Thread: Muses
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Old 03-12-2004, 11:24 PM   #20 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 1,060

Thanks phoebe phoenix ^^

New avvie! Sweet Remy! gotta love the three *true* marauders....

I've been shamefully neglecting all this i'm merely posting ones I've written before....I can't believe it I haven't written one in a week! *bashes self on head and invites everyone to do the same*

All the world is a stage...
Where all the actresses are beautiful as Day
And mysterious as Night
Blushing away at the mirrored walls
Fasions of Europe, they only are
Swooning and downing a shimmering glass of wine
Falling and appearing through the holes in the scenery
The blood is underneath the carpet.

Romeos and Juilets infinitely rule Lady Tragic Love
Chicago brings out the another face, the luring facet of murder
Audience mesmerisized with the penetrating masks
From which cat eyes dart to the south and away
Worn at all hours
Some more glitter, my dear?
Hide your features they must not be seen
For the world is a stage
Where no one gives real identity
Is always someone else
Don't ask me who I am.

For only here, in this stage of a world
Can one change from a whispery maiden
Into a cold and unblinking tigress
Only here can one go through all the demons of the night
And discover true happiness in a corner
Only here, can a lovely lady find love and peace
Living happily ever after
Where outside hungry children still linger.

While Rhett leaves Scarlett behind
Gone with the wind may be those hauntiing melodies
Of the forgotten voices of angels
Once resonating from between the royal lines
Where are you now, my alley stray..
Here's the last penny i have today.

Pleading eyes and puckered lips
Snubbing noses and droopy ears
Fall into Death, and come to Life again
Being stabbed with a dagger, smiling behind the curtains
Art thou last entrance Stage Right?

that was a rather strange one, yet I was proud of it for a long time....
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