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Old 01-21-2007, 07:04 PM   #1 (permalink)
Les Mots

Dumbledore's Gargoyle
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Default Abruptly Ended - Sa13+
Foreign Intrigue

This is yet another one-shot fic from me (Lea). Hope you enjoy it!

Abruptly Ended

She was back from work at a late hour again. She called him telling she wouldn't be long, it was just a meeting. It was not just a meeting.

Her heels clicked up the cobblestone path of the dark house and she finally inserted a key into the mahogany door. A faint rumble of thunder announced the arrival of a storm.

A odd feeling coarsed through her veins, like something was different. The house felt empty and cold. "Hello?" she called through the hallway, but only the echo of her melodious voice came through. She flipped a light switch and the entry was illuminated with light. She walked around the first floor and saw no one. It chilled her spine. "HELLO?" she cried again climbing the stairs. Her heart was beating faster as the rain began to fall outside.

She made it to the second floor landing. Quickly, she dashed from room to room, but her husband was not there. Finally, terrified, she entered the library. The dimly lit room was her favorite, but now it made her panic even more because it was the last room in the house and no one was there.

She began to cry and collapsed on the sofa. Thoughts raced through her head like a movie rewinding itself. The wedding, the house, and someone else. She knew he was the reason her husband gone now. What did he do though? Tears leaked out of her chocolate brown eyes as she cuddled a red velvet pillow.

The rain fell harder and the thunder roared worse than a giant would have. The warmth of the fire chilled her even more. Where could he be? She did not know what to think anymore.

Her eyes caught a piece of paper on a table next to the couch. She shot up instantly and picked it up with her trembling hands. She recognized her husband's writing immediately. The letter said:

I am leaving now. I am not angry, nor am I sad. I was not what you were looking for. I hope you find happiness with whoever the lucky man is. I leave you the house and evrything in it. I will always love you and I hope you can still think of me as a friend.


She felt her face pale and her heart break as she read it over and over. She sank to the floor and began to cry again. The storm beat harder and harder on the house, but it did not matter anyomore.

Through the gale, she heard the distinct sound of the door opening. She looked up and saw the one she truly loved in front of her.

"Why are you here?" she asked softly. "If he was still here, he would have caught you."

"Still here? Did he leave?" he asked striding over to her and placing his arms around her.

She nodded as a new wave of tears came over her.

"Don't worry, you still have me," he replied softly knowing he could not mend her heart right now, but he would die trying.
what's the worst thing that could happen? you've got to take the chance.
everyone will tell you not to/but no one understands.

D o n' t D i e W o n d e r i n g
silly little charmer/with that sparkle in your eye
seize your hope and kiss them all goodbye.
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