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Old 03-11-2004, 03:13 AM   #14 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 52

Into this poem I poured all of my feelings. I love him so much. More than... Nothing can compare. But I don't know if he loves me back. He did before but I wasn't ready. And now I don't know if he wants what i do. I think he's my soul mate.Because now that he's gone I can't love anyone else.

I wish I had told you last time
The last time you touched me
Like you wanted me
But I turned away too fast
Unused to your brand of kindness
Gentle and smooth
Sweet and loving
So now I think of you
Afternoon and morning
When the stars are bright and when they fade
And I wish I hadn't been so scared
Because everytime you touched me
I was safe
And warm
And there was a fire burning under my skin
When you brushed the
Dark hair off my face
And your hand on my shoulder
And back
And waist
Will you ever touch me like that again?
I can't take anyone else
Since I met you
I want to be a better person
Just for you
I don't want to glitter
I just want to shine
I want to be pure
So you would love me
Again- maybe
You came so close to kissing me
But I ran away
Wishing I had stayed
Istead I became confused- holding in my
Exasperating euphoria
And bursting out in my energy
Since I last saw you-
I have been tired
But when I came near you again
Even if you shied away
I was alive again
A perfect circle
So please understand
I always wanted you
I was just afraid
That you weren't right
But now I understand
We are perfect.
Take my hand...again
And this time I will not hold back.

* I just read what i wrote up there an lets say... I sound like a huge sap.

Shatter me
All over
From my head
To my glaring toenails painted
Just touch me
Get away!
Don't forget
Break me
Don't bother turning away
One look is all it takes
No need to show me more
No more
Dancing with the Swing I can't follow
Spin me
Around and around
Explains everything
I ever wanted to know
About infatuation?
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