No one has responded yet, so I don't really know weither I should continue, :unsure: but maybe that is because nothing has happened yet, so here I go....
The next morning, Hermione sat at the Griffindor's table in the Great Hall, eating breakfast. She was contently reading one of the books that she had gotten out of the library yesterday, Everything You Needed to Know about Magical Monsters but Were Afraid to Ask*. A plate of eggs, bacon, and toast lay in front of her, but so far it sat untouched. The only thing Hermione could think about was weither the Sorting Hat had REALLY made a mistake, and weither she really did belong in Ravenclaw. She was smart, after all, and a lot of her friends were in Ravvenclaw, but still...the Sorting Hat had never made a mistake yet, so why would he now? Hermione didn't get much sleep last night, and so she got up earlier than most of her house and was using all her energy reading a book. She really needed to go to the library and get a book on the houses or Hogwarts, but she doubted that she could get there in time.
"Morning 'mione,"
Hermione flipped around, only to see Ron and Harry standing behind her. That was the second time in less than 12 hours that she had been startled by her best friends. She sighed and respoded warily, "Good morning Ron. Did you sleep well? What about you Harry?"
Harry sat down beside her and flopped a piece of toast onto his plate. "Ron couldn't stop snoring last night," he groaned. "Seamus kept yelling 'Shut up!', which didn't help with all the noise." Hermione giggled. Ron had a blank expression on his face, he was sitting across from Hermione, and stirring his scrambled eggs.
"I dunno what you guys are talking about," he said slowly. "I didn't sleep a wink last night! I could only think about Snape and that Potions assignment I didn't finish!"
Harry groaned. "You slept, Ron. You slept for nine hours, and the rest of us only slept about one! You must have been dreaming." He slowly bit into his toast.
Hermione looked at her watch and stood up. "I better get going," she said franticly. She scooped some eggs into her mouth and took a gulp of orange juice. She stood up and shoved her book into her bag. "I have to get to the library." Ron grabbed her sleeve.
"Hermione, you were at the library all day yesterday, all day Saturday, you were complaining last night about your visits to the library interfering with your homework, and now you are going to the library again?" Ron looked both perplexed and annoyed.
"Guys, I have things to do before our first class!" Hermione insisted. She freed her sleeve from Ron's grip and ran out of the Great Hall.
"Hermione!" Harry called, but she didn't hear him. She was already halfway down the hall.
Okay, so nothing has happened yet either, but it will, as soon as she goes to the library.
*Compliments of our third grade play, Everything you wanted to know about Fairy Tales but were Afraid to Ask!
__________________  [FODW] [STDTST] [FF] [X] ~Une rose est beauté*- |