thanks so much! that really means a lot
i wrote another poem the other day.this poem isn't exactly about hp but i really liked it so i'm gonna post it. i wrote it based on this book called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (best book ever, my #1 favorite). if you haven't read it you probably won't understand it. i guess if you try you could make this poem from ginny's point of view, if harry dies or when he broke up with her. so i'm not exactly braking the rules
I'm very breakable,
But you kept me in one peice
A smile, a simple kilss,
could get me through the heat.
Your hazel eyes, you marble skin.
You were all I need.
Because of you,
I always managed to stay in one peice.
But now you gone.
I'm broken.
I'm lost, without a clue.
my heart's one thousand peices,
each one thinking of you.
You've helped me get through each crisis,
guiding me towards the goal.
But through the biggest crisis,
I have no hand to hold.
"It'll be as if I never existed,"
Is not what I want to be told! well???