Ron and Hermione and a relaxing weekend after Hermione had told Ron about the baby. She had difficulty restraining her giggles as Ron became ever more solicitus towards her, barely letting her get up for anything on her own. When she started to get up to go get a drink, or some fresh fruit, Ron would jump up and say: :"What do you need? I'll get it for you!"
Finally, Hermione had to sit him down and explain to him that exersise was a must for a woman in her position and that it was safer and more healthy for both her and the baby. Sheepishly, Ron backed off and let her see to her own needs and wants. But he found this not to be a bad thing. He and Hermione took long walks together and totally enjoyed each other's company. They were relaxed and at ease. But Ron sensed a change as Sunday evenig approached. Hermione had become a little tense and quiet.
"Is something wrong" Ron asked her.
"Well, no," Hermione said. "Not really. It's just that I don't really know how I am going to break the news to everyone tomorrow."
"Hermione!" Ron said "You know everyone is going to be very happy about it, don't you?"
"Of course," Hermione smiled. "It's just that they will be SO excited that I'm afraid we'll have very little peace! Especially when I get closer to delivery."
"I see what you mean," Ron said. "You don't want to feel smothered, am I right."
Hermione stared at Ron so hard that it made him nervous, as if he had done or said something wrong. But Hermione suddenly gave him a wide grin. "Excuse me," she said. "But I was just wondering when you got to be so smart!"
She laughed, and Ron, after getting over the shock of the statement, laughed with her. "I guess you taught me well," he answered, smiling broadly. "We'll work it out with our friends," he said. "I won't let them get too overbearing. Besides, Harry and Ginny aren't as pushy as Fleur can be with something like this, and even she is getting better about that. I think that if they see you need your space, they will gladly back off and give it to you. After all, you don't see Harry and Ginny at our door every day now, right? Sure, they'll be excited, but I don't think they will allow that to influence them that much."
"You're right," Hermione said. "I guess its just that it is going to change everything at work. I won't be able to make a move without someone being there to make sure I am safe. While I don't plan to put myself or our baby into harms way, I don't want to feel like Harry must have felt when he found out people had been asigned to watch him...follow him everywhere. I know he really resented it, although deep down he knew their hearts were in the right place. I don't want to get that feeling of resentment, know what I mean?"
"I think I do, Ron said, hugging her. "If you start feeling like that is what is happening, tell me, and you and I will go to Shacklebolt and arrange for you to have a leave of absense until the baby is born, okay?"
"Thank you!" Hermione said, looking into his eyes and thinking how much the years had changed him from an insecure little boy into a wise, thoughtful, and mature young man. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" she said, hugging him close.
Ron smiled as he held his wife in his arms.
All too soon it was time for bed for a good night's sleep before the alarm woke them up in the morning for work.
Keeper of Hermione's Wand and Ronald's Pride 
Thanks to Laura for resizing for me!
Author of Surprise Letter to Harry and Hermione's Challenge
Last edited by tatewin; 01-13-2007 at 12:49 AM.