Loves the Black Dog | Ninja Pirate...BEWARE! | High Queen of Narnia | GIRAFFE- made you look!
Ooc: last post!! I have to go to bed soon...
Peter nodded and led the way to Susan's room, where he had left Clair. He pressed his ear up against the door to make sure they weren't asleep. Hearing the murmer of voices, he knocked quietly. Clair glanced up at the door when she heard the tap. She knew it was Peter. She looked up at Susan and smiled. She then got up and opened the door. "Trying to eavesdrop?" she asked the three boys.
Peter grinned. "Of course! We have nothing better to do than to listen to your girly conversations," he said sarcastically.
"Oh good!" Clair said, rolling her eyes. She led them into the room and sat back down in her spot. Peter sat down next to her and they exchanged a smile. "So, if you aren't eavesdropping, what's up?" she asked the three boys.
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