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Old 03-08-2004, 01:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default A Girl, a Problem, and a Book With a Brain - Sa13+

Note from FF Staff: This thread has had all comments pruned from it so you may enjoy the story without interruption. -evlpez

Hi everyone! I really really really like to write, and I love the Harry Potter books! :sorcerer: I thought it would be fun to write a fan fic, so here I go....


Hermione wrote the last word of her Herbology paper, and sighed. She was FINALLY done! Five rolls of parchment seemed like a mile! She lay back in the large armchair that she had been sitting in for the last hour. She was in the Gryffindor common room, a bottle of ink and quill by her side, and five rolls of parchment in her lap. She shoved her finished report into her bag, and hastely began flipping through a thick book.

"Hermione! You told me you finished that reading assignment!"

Hermione flipped around to see Ron and Harry standing behind her in their pajamas. She noticed that Ron had a new pair of blue bunny slippers.

"Nice shoes, Ron," she chuckled.

Ron flushed red. "Mum sent them from home. They are very warm."

Hermione turned back to her book and began franticly flipping pages.

Harry sat down on the chair beside her. "Homework on Sunday night?" he asked. "So unlike you."

Hermione closed the book and sighed. "I know," she replyed. "But I spent all Saturday and today at the library, and now" she gestured to the massive stack of books on the table, "I have so many books and so little time to read them!" She sunk into the chair.

Ron sat down beside her and thumbed through the book that Hermione had been flipping through earlier. "This one isn't too hard..." he commented, handing the book back to Hermione. He leaned back in the chair. "You've read it, right?"

"Of course," replied Hermione, thumbing through her book. "It's the questions that worry me."

"Hermione, you ace every test, every paper, and every reading assignment! Why is this one any different?" asked Harry.

Hermione looked up at him. "Because of time," she grumbled. "If only I hadn't procrastinated..."

Ron jumped up and covered his ears. "Stop it!" he yelled. "Hermione, you are worrying over NOTHING! Besides, compared to the rest of us, you look like a genius! Even if we had days to do it, and you had minutes, you would STILL be better!"

Harry jumped up. "Ron!" he excalaimed. "You'll wake the whole castle!" Ron slouched down in his chair, flushing as red as his hair. Harry turned to Hermione. "Ron's right, Hermione. You always get good grades! Sometimes I wonder why you didn't end up in Ravenclaw." He looked at Hermione's work. She had answered every question in at least two paragraphs. "That's good," he commented as she shoved the parchment and her book into her bag. "Now come on up, it's getting late."

Harry and Ron helped Hermione gather up all her books and papers. Then the two boys scurryed up the stairs, chatting with Hermione bringing up the rear. They tried to include her in the conversation, but she wasn't listening. Was she really ment for Ravenclaw?


Okay, I know nothing has happened yet, but I needed to start out somewhere. I'll post more later.

~Une rose est beauté*-

Last edited by evlpez; 01-07-2007 at 08:34 PM.
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