Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
Nothing to say really...
Enjoy! Chapter 11
Suspicions The sound of shoes upon stone echoed throughout an empty hallway. Looking around, the only light was a torch in the distance. I started walking, tip-toeing really, until I came up to the torch. It was across from a window. I peered into the window and saw a dark and dank room. I couldn’t see anything other than the black inside, but after a few minutes, I saw an outline. A faded outline directly across from where I stood. The torch seemed to get brighter, and I saw a redish-brown head, the person’s face hidden in their knees, which were brought up to their chest.
I heard distant footsteps. My heart beat faster; what if I got caught? What would happen then? Would I join the person inside the room? Left to starve and die a slow, painful death?
The footsteps stopped suddenly, and a creaking noise bounced off the stone floors and walls. I looked through the window and saw two people crowded in front of the person. The stranger refused to look up at the two, so one of them grabbed the long hair of the person.
I looked into the face of a pained and anguished Dom. Horror took over me; an anger I wished to unleash upon who I only assumed were Death Eaters. They killed one I loved before, they don’t the same again. A saw a light in the distance, and fear overtook my horror and anger. I don’t know why, even if I knew the Death Eaters didn’t see me where I was.
I looked inside the room again; who called my name?
I shrunk against the marble wall, my fear increasing.
Harry’s eyes opened slowly; the room he was in was way too bright. Looking around, he couldn’t find the source of the voice that called his name. Sweat trickled down his face and stung when it met his eyes.
He recognized the voice that spoke to him, but he couldn’t seem to place the name. His head flopped to the right side; he saw Hermione. She sighed in relief. Harry looked up and around the bright room. It was the hospital wing.
“Uh...?” was all he got out while attempting to ask ‘why am I here?’ Hermione grabbed something and started wiping away the sweat on his face.
“Why’m I ‘ere?” Harry finally asked. Words seemed to come back to him, but he still had difficulty getting them out.
“Do you remember your... nightmare?” Hermione asked him. It took Harry a moment to recall; as soon as he did his face went pallid once more. He couldn’t get out the simple word ‘yes’, so he gave a shaky nod.
“I don’t know how, and sure as hell don’t know why, but... somehow you saw what actually happened; Dom’s nowhere in the castle, all the professors double checked, even the grounds. Hagrid went into the Forest just in case,” Hermione responded. “She’s somewhere with whatever took her...”
“Death Eaters,” Harry corrected.
“But the professors are baffled, especially Dumbledore. It’s not in anyway possible to Apparate within the grounds without having something happen to you, but with them just popping in like that, the whole school was shaken by what happened,” Hermione continued, her voice fading until it became a barely audible whisper.
“She’s... not in the castle at all?” Harry whispered; his voice deserted him. Hermione nodded slowly.
“But... how... ugh...”
“What...?” Hermione asked attentively.
“Another... well... I dreamt... there was a large, stone hallway and at the far end... well, there was a torch. Across from the torch... there was a room. It was very dark... but after a few moments my eyes adjusted and I saw... I saw Dom. I only assumed...”
“Did you get a good look at what the area actually looked like?” Hermione cut in.
“Well no... But there were stone floors and walls, that’s all I really know. That’s why I thought...”
“Only really fancy places can have all stone... was it marble or stone?” Hermione cut in again.
“I think it was marble flooring... but it seemed like a dungeon to me...”
“Well it definitely isn’t the Hogwarts dungeons, the professors spent the most time looking there,” Hermione once again cut in.
“Think outside of Hogwarts, Hermione!” Harry snapped. “Where else has a dungeon?”
“Uh... really expensive places that’re probably as big as the owners think they are...”
“Who do we know that’s a bighead?” Harry realized. Hermione’s eyes widened.
“Harry, in your nightmare, did you see anything other than hoods and masks?” Hermione asked quickly.
“Well I did see a certain someone sitting in a certain chair...”
“Harry!” Hermione snapped.
“You mean... did I see anything beyond the hoods and masks?” Harry clarified. Hermione nodded.
“Well...” Harry started thinking; did he see anything else? He envisioned the common room in his dream (even if it sent shivers down his spine), and tried to notice anything out of the ordinary. “I didn’t see the back of their heads, Mione,” he realized.
Hermione huffed. “Did you see the Death Eaters in your previous dream? Did you notice anything else that was... out of the ordinary?”
Harry had an easier time envisioning the place this time. When he looked in... he gasped.
“What?” Hermione asked hurriedly.
“Hair... long...”
Harry nodded.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Hermione asked mysteriously. A sly grin broke onto Harry’s face and he nodded.
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