Thread: Harry Potter: Dreams - Sa13+
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Old 01-06-2007, 05:50 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Default Chapter 10: Nightmare Come True

Ok, ok, fine I wanted to get finished with chapter 11 (not much left), but I may as well post now or it'll be done tomorrow.
Ya, I'm gonna continue, it's just... all my 'Extra F.Fs' are like... so... ignored/less active and it kinda starts to bug me at times...
Most of the time I just say that cause that's how people actually seem to notice this thread exists...
and I was bored... and in a bad mood...
Anyways, here's chapter 10. Think it might be the longest I've ever written for this F.F, but I dunno...
Like I said b4, action begins!

And with this av, I find green looks good with it (the av does have green in it after all!), so from now on the chapters will be Dark Green (or any green)!
And I've gotten into a bad habit... I haven't been naming chapters! This chapter... JUST named aso it probably stinks cause it's 10am here and I'm still sleepy (and very sick at that...)

P.P.S: Also... I kinda skipped a month in this chapter. It's now December, nearly Christmas Break.
Just so ya don't get confuzzled in the next few chapters

Chapter 10
Nightmare Come True

The room in which I now stood in seemed very familiar. Looking around, I the common room. The fire was out, leaving him engulfed in the shadows of the night.
Why am I here?
Suddenly there was a pop, very faint but distinguishable. It’s impossible to Apparate into Hogwarts, how was it possible this person got through the spell?
I squinted to get a better look at the person that had somehow Apparated into the common room; there wasn’t just one, but two, I couldn’t tell if there was a third or not, but he swore there was. They crowded around a chair; someone sat asleep in it, a student. They grabbed the student, waking them up. One of the people covered the student’s mouth to muffle the scream that came out. My eyes adjusted a bit more, and I saw the hoods and masks of Death Eaters. Right then, my stomach dropped.
My eyes then flickered to the student. I nearly let out my empty stomach at the sight of Dom being mobbed by the Death Eaters.
With a look of sheer panic gleaming in her dark sapphire eyes, one of the Death Eaters whispered something into her ear, and then they were gone.

Harry bolted up in his bed. Sweating and panting, he jumped out of his bed and ran out of the dormitory, ignoring Ron, Seamus, Dean and Neville, who were standing on the other side of the bed with a worried and surprised expression.
Running down the stairs, still in his pajamas, Harry skidded to a stop in the common room. It was empty.
“Hermione!” Harry yelled. “Mione! Get down here!” He kept calling her name and for her to come down to the common room until she showed up, still in her own pajamas as she rubbed her weary-looking eyes.
“Uh...?” she muttered.
“Dom... is she in the dorm?”
“When’d you last see her?” he demanded.
“Las’ nigh... why?” she asked, slurring her words out of tiredness. Harry’s mind raced as he started to panic.
“When last night?” he asked in the same demanding way.
“Jus’ ’fore bed... why?”
“Down ‘air...” she responded, pointed at a chair. Harry spun around to look to where Hermione was pointing. Horror paled his face, his body started to shake as he saw the exact same chair Dom was in during his dream.
Harry looked up at Hermione.
“What?” he snapped.
“Why d’ya wanna know?” she snapped back.
“Nightmare... and I think it’s just come true.”
Hermione disappeared from his sight. He heard her thumping down the stairs and stomped right up in front of him.
“What... happened... in... the... dream?” she snarled.
Harry was completely taken aback, usually Hermione was the one putting up with a grumpy and snarly Ron and himself, not the other way around. Harry tried to suppress the shaking, but it only got worse. He couldn’t respond. Hermione grabbed his shoulders with a harsh grip.
“What... happened?” she repeated, just as snarly.
“Dom... here... in chair... taken by... De... De-De-Death Eaters,” Harry managed to get out through shuddering breaths. Hermione’s harsh grip alone kept him conscious. Hermione’s eyes widened, which made the bags under them more noticeable.
“When?” she asked in a low whisper.
“Dr... dream...”
“She couldn’t... she couldn’t have just left the Tower...”
“Wh... why?” Harry stammered curiously.
“It’s 3 in the morning.”
No wonder I’ve never seen a snarly Hermione... Harry thought. He tried to say something, get another thought out of his mouth, but nothing came.
“How did they get in?” Hermione yawned.
“That’s not possible,” Hermione snapped indignantly. “It says in Hogwarts: A History, clearly, that there’s an Anti-Disapparation charm and it can only be broken when the Headmaster wishes, and that is only in cases of Apparition practice.”
“It... it happened... look... look at the ground... next to... chair...” Harry finally said. Hermione let go of Harry and went to check out the floor. Harry wavered on the spot, but didn’t fall.
“It... how could they...” Hermione muttered to herself as she inspected the floor. “You never know if it was just Crookshanks scuffing up the floor, Harry.”
“How can a cat make the wood go black!” Harry bellowed angrily. “The fire was out, it’s not possible that he could’ve pulled the logs so it has to have been...”
“What’s going on... Mr. Potter! 3 in the morning, by the name of Gryffindor himself, what has gotten into you?”
Harry and Hermione spun around and saw Professor McGonagall rushing through the portrait hole and into the common room. His face had not yet gained colour, his shaking was still visible. He heard the grumbling, tired students behind him, but he could not move, it felt to strenuous for him to do such a simple task.
“Ms. Granger? What... what happened?”
Hermione looked at Harry, and then at the Head of Gryffindor House.
“Harry... he had a dream... a nightmare really... that... how did it go?” she turned to Harry, unsure.
“Dom... chair... Death Eaters... come... take her away...” he forced out of his mouth. He started to find it was much more difficult for him to speak, even to let out a still-panting breath. Professor McGonagall looked stunned. “Mione... roommate... not see her... last time... she did was... in same chair... sometime... last night,” Harry finished, now gasping for air.
“Was it a dream?” she asked. Harry nodded vigorously, which made his head spin and the pain of a knife stab at his forehead. He knew it wasn’t his scar, as it normally was, but just from a major shock. Professor McGonagall even seemed to not know what to do.
“Well... first thing’s first. Ms. Granger, if you could bring Mr. Potter to the hospital wing...”
Harry’s knees felt as though they were about to give out on him.
“And... oh, there you are Mr. Weasley! Help Potter to the hospital, please.”
Ron stumbled in front of the mob of students. He tip-toed closer to Harry, but he took too long. By the time he got to helping Hermione balance their friend, Harry fainted.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 01-06-2007 at 08:48 PM. Reason: me being an idiot and not hitting the 'Enter' button to make a paragraph space...
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