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Old 01-05-2007, 08:17 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Written by: DracosDuchess

Snape couldn’t believe the ingredients that these modern-day potions required. He also couldn’t believe that the Minister of Magic himself was requesting that he make him the Psyco Foaly-Breeze potion that he could easily have bought in a store.

“But having it made by the best Potions Master would make my mother so happy, Severus!” Snape shook his head at the Minister’s words. From his store cabinet, he pulled out a vial of a multi-colored liquid and poured twelve spoonfuls of it into his cauldron. Each time he poured the liquid in he heard, “Polly want a cracker!”

“Essence of twelve crazy parrots. Hrmph!” he grumbled. He pulled out a tiny bottle with brown powder and added a pinch of this fermenting powder of the need to ride a horse. Finally, he added the happy-strangeness potion.

“Why bother? This potion’s strange enough,” Snape mumbled as he poured the ingredients into a star-shaped container and placed it in his freezer.

A few hours later, Snape returned and discovered a young girl with a colorful shirt sitting in his office. Severus wrinkled his nose at her odd smell.

“Thanks for brewing me!” the girl exclaimed as she galloped out of Severus’ office.
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