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Old 01-05-2007, 08:13 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Written by: SlytherinSissa

"I can't believe we have detention with this git."

"Can't he take a joke?"

"Obviously not."

"Not a fan of Puking Pastilles in his tea."

"Obviously not."

"Silence, Weasleys." A very pale, ashen-faced Snape slowly walked into the dungeon and threw the door shut behind him. The twins stopped their conversation and stared at the obviously ill professor.

"Think he's cured himself?" Fred whispered to George.

"Probably. Him or Madam Pomfrey."

Snape slammed his hand on their table. "What don't you understand about the word silence? Ten points from Gryffindor." Snape continued lumbering to the front of the classroom and flicked his wand at the board. Ingredients and directions appeared. "The Essence of Steph. Make it." Snape said no more, walked over to his desk and sat down.



"Hope she doesn't have Staph."

"Vile, George."

"Joke, Fred."

"Right. Ingredients. Insanity."


"Insanity. The girl's mad, apparantly."

"Put it in then."




"Dragons. Explains the insanity."

"Oh look. A vial of little dragons."

"Cute. Add it."



"Finally something normal."



"Barry Manilow?"

The twins looked at each other. "Yes," they said in unison.


"Now what?"

"Boil until the liquid's gone."


The twins sat back and watched the boiling ease as the Essence of Steph began to solidify. George pulled out his wand and tapped the top of the potion. The wand bounced off of the solid mass.


"The liquid's solid."

"What do the directions say?"

They both looked up at the board and both said, "Boil until it isn't liquid anymore."

"How does your mother cope with such genius?"

"By letting us play in grease."

"Modeled after your's, of course."

Snape turned a shade of deep red and stood up, knocking his chair back. "OUT!"

The twins grabbed their bags and ran out of the dungeon, leaving the Essence of Steph behind. Snape walked over to the cauldron and tapped the solid potion with his wand.

"Could you please stop tapping me? I'm getting a migraine."

Snape stood up straight, still looking down at the Essence of Steph, smirked and walked back to his desk.
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