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Old 01-05-2007, 08:12 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Written by: DracosDuchess

“Tugging at Snape’s Heart Strings”

“Elixer of Luv? Why would anyone request me to make that?” Snape growled as he reached for the love, laughter, and wealth and combined them in the cauldron he had sitting in front of him. As he stirred the liquid, the laughter resonated in his dungeon office, as if he were tickling it.

“Shut it, you,” he mumbled as he turned the flame down and allowed the potion to simmer. Every few minutes, he glanced in the cauldron and after a few checks, he noticed that the scarlet red potion was solidifying. And, just as he had expected, a human form suddenly emerged. Surprisingly, Snape found himself oddly attracted to the impeccably-dressed woman standing in front of him, with her sparkling hair and hypnotic eyes. Feeling this instant attraction and pull toward a perfect stranger irritated Snape to no end, and without speaking a word, he stalked out of his office. The woman followed his every move with her eyes, and once Snape had slammed the door, she smiled and let out a sigh.

“One day, Severus, you will be mine,” the woman spoke softly, glancing at the picture of the Potion’s Master that she was clutching in her hand.
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