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Old 01-05-2007, 08:11 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Written by: DracosDuchess

“Slytherin Happiness”

“I can’t believe Dumbledore thinks making these potions will increase student morale,” Snape grumbled as he cleaned out his cauldron for the fiftieth time that day. “Whoever heard of giving the students gifts for Christmas?”

Snape picked up the piece of parchment which listed the ingredients for Essence of Sierra and immediately conjured up the image of a young girl, eager to learn and prove herself as the best. He was glad she had been sorted into Slytherin, as she brought a little pride to the house.

“Hmm…I need knowledge and sarcasm,” he mumbled to himself as he picked up the bottles and poured the contents into the cauldron. “And… Oh, for Merlin’s sake, Sierra, you had ruin your Essence potion with happiness.” Regretfully, Snape emptied the bottle of the swirling silver liquid happiness. After mixing the concoction together, he poured the liquid into a glass bottle and shook it four times. Suddenly, a voice spoke to him from the bottle.

“You should quit being such a sourpuss, Professor. Being a Slytherin doesn’t mean you have to be unhappy,” a voice Snape recognized as Sierra’s criticized. He frowned and wrapped a bow around the bottle, locking it in his drawer.
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