Written by: SlytherinSissa
"Here are the ingredients, Weasley. Don't mess up."
Ron looked over the ingredients and the procedures and looked back up at Snape. "Sir, is this really a potion? It says I have to gift wrap it."
"That's what the Essence of Sophia calls for, Weasley. Just do it and stop asking questions."
"Yes sir."
Ron galnced over the directions again before grabbing the gallon of hypertonic and dumping it into the cauldron. He reached for the sugarbowl and took out what he considered a hint of sugar and added it to the potion. He mixed the two ingredients and let them sit while he grabbed the brilliantly sparkly orange wrapping paper from another table. With a perplexed look, he unrolled some of the wrapping paper and spread it over the table top. He still had no idea how he was going to wrap liquid.
Squinting as if the sun were in his eyes, or shielding himself from what could be a horrible sight, he poured the hypertonic/sugar mixture into the center of the paper. He expected it to splatter everywhere and was taken aback when it didn't. As he poured it, it formed a cube of liquid set perfectly and ready to be wrapped. He grabbed the roll of Spellotape and taped the wrapping paper around the solid liquid.
He now had a nice package that jiggled if he hit the table. He looked up at Snape who seemed to be engrossed in his work at his desk.
Ron's eyes snapped back to the package. The Essence of Sophia was talking to him. "What?"
"It's the last step! Take me and run!" When Ron didn't move, the Essence of Sophia screamed, "Now!"
Ron threw his bag over his shoulder, grabbed the nicely wrapped Essence of Sophia and ran out of the classroom door without saying anything to Snape. He didn't even look up at Ron bolted.
"For a moment there I thought Weasley wasn't going to follow directions again. Eh, ten points from Gryffindor for not living up to my expectations." |