Written by: SlytherinSissa
"Severus, may I ask, what are you doing in Madam Sprout's gardens? Everything you need should be in the greenhouses."
"Headmaster, unfortunately Professor Sprout doesn't grow tulips in the greenhouses. I need them in order to make the Essence of Delicate Flower. Don't worry. Madam Sprout has enchanted the soil so once they're picked, they immediately grow back."
"Very well then. I'll leave you to it."
As Albus Dumbledore walked away, Severus finished picking the flowers he needed for the Essence of Delicate Flower. Peeves had already obtained the fuzziness for him. Originally Peeves brought Snape Mrs. Norris. Snape told him he needed fuzzy, not freaky and to find something else. It wasn't long before Peeves returned with a sack of fuzziness, great big swatches of it. He also needed a unicorn hair. He always kept a few in his private store for emergencies.
He was on his way back to the dungeons when he ran into Harry Potter. "Lovely bunch of flowers, sir. Are they for anyone special?" Harry smirked, desperately trying to fight back laughter.
"Ten points from Gryffindor, Potter. Maybe that will teach you to mind your own business."
Harry gave Snape a look of defeat as Snape rounded a corner and disappeared from sight. Once he got back into the classroom, he threw the bunch of tulips into the cauldron. A few of them bounced off the edges and onto the floor. He rolled his eyes and walked into his private stores to grab the unicorn hair. When he came back out, he picked up the dropped tulips and put them into the cauldron along with the unicorn hair. Then he looked over at the sack of fuzziness.
"I hope that's enough."
He walked over to it, took it by it's opening and dragged it closer to the cauldron. He wasn't able to lift it up high enough so he dragged it away from the table, gave it a few good swings and launched it, having it land right next to the cauldron. He emptied enough of the fuzziness by hand that soon he was able to lift it up and dump the rest in. He grabbed a wooden spoon and proceeded to mix the Essence of Delicate Flower. He turned the flame down under the cauldron to allow it to simmer and then he left it to cool.
While he was grading essays, the Essence of Delicate Flower finished it's cooling. Standing before Snape was Delicate Flower herself.
"Next time, don't let Peeves get the fuzziness. I think this was wool and it's making me itch."
He looked up from his pile of parchments. "Well, it was that or Mrs. Norris."
Delicate Flower thought on this for a moment but didn't dwell on it long. "I'll take the itching. Thanks." She smiled at him, turned and walked out of the dungeon.
"Perhaps I'll try Angora next time." |