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Old 01-05-2007, 08:05 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Written by: DracosDuchess

“Penguins and Opera”

“Essence of Penguin Master? What kind of name is that? Must be a friend of Potter’s,” Severus muttered as he ran his finger down the list of ingredients.

“Well, he can’t be all bad. His essence requires weird and green. And I do have a soft spot for music,” he trailed off as he reminisced about his latest outing to the opera. Snape returned to reality and from his supply cabinet, pulled out his bottle of green, vial of weird, and flask of music. Cradling the glassware, Snape made his way to his cauldron. Once the ingredients had been added, he glanced at the instructions and rolled his eyes.

“Fun? Yes, Potter’s friend indeed…” Snape growled as he pulled out his almost-empty bottle of fun and poured the rest into the cauldron and began to stir. It only took a moment before a boy emerged from the cauldron, wearing a green “Penguin Master” shirt. Snape scowled as the boy stood in front of him.

“Can I help you?” Severus spoke harshly.

“Yes. Could you tell me where to find Harry Potter? We have a game of chess to play!” the boy spoke enthusiastically, almost singing. Snape glowered.

“Out!” Snape shouted.
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