Written by: DracosDuchess "Tricks of the Trade"
“Miss Granger, why are you not brewing your Essence of Touz potion? Are the instructions not clear enough for you?” Severus Snape drawled.
“I have no problem with the ingredients you have listed on the board. Bananas, shoestrings, and paint are indeed what compose this particular concoction. But you seem to have forgotten a critical instruction,” Hermione explained.
“My dear girl, I do not forget anything,” Snape replied in a harsh whisper.
“Well, according to our potion book, when brewing this potion, you are supposed to throw the ingredients in the trash, and never, ever, under any circumstances, make an Essence of Touz. I’ve already put my ingredients in the garbage,” Hermione pointed out.
Snape stood straight, turned, and walked to the front of the classroom. Once there, he turned back to face the class. “Fifty points from Gryffindor for no one bringing this to my attention sooner. May this be a lesson to you all to read your textbook and be prepared for any test I may put you up to.” He would not give the know-it-all Gryffindor the satisfaction in knowing that he was impressed she had noticed his little trick. “Happy Christmas,” he said with a smirk. |