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Old 01-05-2007, 08:01 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Written by: SlytherinSissa

"Today we'll be mixing the Essence of Hedwig, otherwise known as Hedwig's Brew. Can anyone tell me the elements involved in such a potion?"

Hermione's hand shot into the air but Snape dulfully overlooked it. "No one? Looks like I'll have to choose. Weasley!"

Ron's head shot up from his last neck loll, having been jerked out of a semi-sleep. "Yes sir?' he asked squeakily.

"Well, well. Looks like someone wasn't paying attention. Ten points from Gryffindor. Now, tell me the ingredients in Hedwig's Brew."

"But sir, isn't that a NEWT-level potion?"

"Go back to your nap, Weasley. Your mind obviously works best when unconscious. Another ten points from Gryffindor."

"Sir, please. The Essence of Hedwig, or Hedwig's Brew, contains a drop of unpredictability, three tablespoons of Brangelina and three and a half teaspoons of internet addiction. Those three ingredients must be brought to a boil for five minutes and then allowed to cool. Once cool, it must be stored in a violet bottle."

"Looks like Miss Granger has a penchant for speaking out of turn and revels in being an insufferable little know-it-all. Tell me, where do we find such ingredients?"

Hermione frowned but her inner know-it-all pressed her to answer the question. "While they are unusual ingredients, they're not all that rare. Any regular apothecary would carry unpredictability and the other two can be found in larger stores, ones that carry a broad range of ingredients from all over the world."

Snape smirked. "Ten points from Gryffindor. Now get to work. You have an hour."

The students clamored up from their desks to gather their ingredients and light the fires needed under their cauldrons. Ron couldn't get his potion right and it ended up looking like river sludge. Harry's turned a shade of neon green so bright that it nearly blinded him and Draco succeeded in getting slapped in the face by the brew he created.

"Time's up. Vials in to me now and they had better be violet!"

The students cleaned up their work stations, emptied their potions into their violet vials and brought them up to the professor. Hermione was the last student to bring her vial up.

"Professor, before I had a chance to put it in the vial, the Essence of Hedwig said something to me."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. It said that unless you stop deducting points from Gryffindor, the next time you mix Hedwig's Brew, it'll be forced to wash your hair and exfoliate your face." Hermione fought back a smile as she watched the blood rise in Snape's face.

"You insolent child! Out of my classroom, now!"

Hermione's face dropped and she ran from the classroom, leaving Snape with a deskful of Hedwig's Brew that he swore he could hear chuckling at him. Even Ron's sludge seemed to gurgle at him.

"Oh shut up or I'll dump you down the toilet."

The laughing only got louder as Severus rolled his eyes and shook his head.
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