and here's me wondering if I should even bother posting the most cooliest chapter... I mean, since I JUST finished it... it's so... it's such a story-starter! (technically... all the action-ie-ish shtuff comes into the story in the chapter I JUST finished...).
But I guess it doesn't matter... guess I'll just let it rot in MS Word, the most action-ie chapter of all... rot in MS Word... Should it? You can change that...
And believe me, I actually
just finished it, 1:05am, have to wake up at 9am...
I got bored of Fallen so I switched to Dreams (for the first time in for like, ever, I did it for FUN! That's why I love this chapter, I enjoyed it the most).
Such a shame to see a chapter I actually loved writing go to waste...
-does a Stewie impersonation from the episode when he worked as Brian's boss for Cashscam when Stewie said some line I can't remember but was telling Brian something about being right or sumthin-
You can change that
And I totally just got this av. It's SOOO awesome! -pokes who made it on Profile- It's such an awesome avatar and it's from a 'grab bag'!

Anyways, ya... you can change that!