DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth | Chapter 6 Dear Diary,
Pavarti told Harry yesterday, and I haven't seen him since. Well, I've SEEN him, but...oh, you know. Not a word from him to me in hours. I wonder if he doesn't like me the way I love him. Oh my God, if he doesn't, I think I'll throw myself off the Astronomy Tower!
Hermione and Ron left History Of Magic after class was over and headed towards the Common Room. Ron had forgiven Hermione, and Hermione Ron. Which was a pretty good thing, because Harry was still ignoring her!
"What Ron?"
"Oh...I was just wondering if....never mind." Hermione stopped Ron.
"Ron...what is it?"
"When you hang out with Lavender...does she...i dunno....mention me at all?"
"Only that you're the worlds biggest prat." Hermione smiled. "No Ron, I don't hear you mentioned by her at all. Why?"
"Oh, nothing." Ron turned his customary shade of red, his ears turning pink.Hermione shrugged her shoulders.
"If you want Ron, I can talk to her for you..."
"HERMIONE! That would be so good of you! Please do? And if she sounds.....I dunno...if she sounds like..."
"Positive to hear your name? Hopeful? Remorseful about leaving you-"
"YEA! That's it! Remorseful! If she sounds like that, well, can you ask her if she'd be willing to give me another chance?" Hermione started walking again. Ron tagged along behind her.
"Sure Ron. Butterbiscuts." They had reached the portrait. The Fat Lady swung open, and Hermione stepped inside. Hermione put her books down on the table, and looked up. In one second, she wished she hadn't. Ron bumped into her still figure.
"OUCH! Hermione what-" Ron stared as well.
Harry and Lavender were locked in a tight embrace...and Hermione had a good guess they weren't practicing mouth-to-mouth resesitation. Ron and Hermione watched as the two grew even closer together, as if they were one person, then Hermione couldn't stand it anymore. She coughed....loudly.
Harry and Lavender jumped, as iff shocked. Lavender turned deathly pale at the sight of Hermione, while Harry just looked sheepish. Hermione felt herself grow angry...no, furious, at Lavender.
"Hermione, let me explain-"
Hermione burst into tears and ran out of the Common Room. Ron glared at Harry.
"Harry..why did you do it?"
"Ron...it was an accident. We were just...."
"Save it Potter. I don't want to sound harsh, but right now, I don't feel like talking to you right now. Hermione needs my help right now, so back off. Play with Lavender for awhile, ok?"
Ron could barely keep the tears down himself, but he managed to hold them until he left the Common Room. He searched for Hermione, and found her...at the Astronomy Tower. He approached her slowly.
"'Mione?" Hermione sniffed, and looked up at Ron. Her cheeks were stained with tears. The light make-up she was wearing was smeared. She patted the ground next to her, and Ron sat and put an arm around her.
"Ron...look what I've done for him. It takes me hours to make my hair look like this. I had to go to a muggle town to buy this make-up. I waited seven years for him to come around and notice me...and what do I get in return? He goes and snogs LAVENDER, of all people! Sorry Ron."
"Don't worry Hermione. There's a bunch of girls here. I can take my pick. I'm all set. We need to worry about-"
Suddenly, Pavarti burst in.
"Hermione! I heard what happened! I'm so sorry! I have no idea what Lavender was thinking! Are you ok?"
"Of course she's not ok. But she will be." Ron motioned for Pavarti, and she sat on Hermione's other side. Hermione glanced up, and chuckled.
"Ya know, I said that if Harry didn't like me, I would jump off the Astronomy Tower."
"Not today you're not!" Pavarti held onto Hermione. Ron did as well.
"Harry will come around. Lavender's not that good a kisser." Ron smiled at Hemione's laugh. Finally! She was smiling and laughing. Now they could do something. Maybe.
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |