Thread: Muses
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Old 03-05-2004, 02:26 AM   #6 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 1,060

thanks stardancer! I'm really happy that someone reviewed my work =)

Here's another one:

"Questions and Description"

As the sun finds a way through the clouds of night
Reflection of a glass imagination evolve into the daylight
Stories told in the twilight hour of solitary sound
The words do not fail to fade away
Capture the moments in which the flowers have not awoken
Hiding beneath their petals

Fluntuaction of restless song
Take away these reasons of forever peace
In turn place the symbol of another age
Yearning, always yearning for something more
Trying to heal what never will be
Wings not made to fly

Why is it that songs of childhoods gone by never
Return to dark corners of what was once to be?
Why do the rays of golden dreams
Only shine on the surface
Of the innocent lake, dancing sparrows
Never penetrating into the depths?

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