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Old 03-02-2004, 02:01 AM   #12 (permalink)
DarkRaven109's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Somewhere on the Isle of Madness, sleeping under a palm tree...
Posts: 250

Thanks Lucio! I was in a very Malfoy-ish mood after school so...
Lucius Malfoy
Black robes and sleek blond hair
Evil with his steel grey stare
Wizard that cannot be beat
A Death Eater you would never want to meet
Pure-blood, proudest of them all
Muggleborns will take the fall
Sly Mr. Ministry man
His master'll rule all the land!
Azakaban's not where he'll stay!
he'll rule along with master one day!

Lucio's an awesome poet.... go read it, go on!

The colors of silver and green
Are for friends in Slytherin
(for the color of green has a wonderful sheen)
And red and gold
For Gryffindor bold
(Quite pretty for playing quidditch, I'm told)
Bronze and blue
For Ravenclaw, true
(But it's not the blue after cleaning the loo)
Yellow and black
Mean's Hufflepuff's back
(Though I think there's alot that this house does lack)
Slytherin snake
Makes badgers quake
Lion's not supreme
Nor Eagle serene.
Winner takes all
Snake'll never fall
My evil Slytherin
Of beautiful Silver and Green

Okay.... so you've got to fudge the sounds for Slytherin...... :ermsmile: I needed it to rhyme with green ya know.....
Tell me what you think!

P.S. Lucio, How the heck did you find out I was labled as Gifted?! :/
bRiNg FoRtH tHe LlAmA!

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