Thread: Harry Potter: Dreams - Sa13+
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Old 12-21-2006, 02:15 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Sorry about the wait. I though I'd have this up like... two and a bit days ago but I couldn't think of a good way to end the chapter that didn't sound corner or too much OOC.

Here's chapter 8! Not all that much but I had to have the ending as you all will figure out
The chapter paragraph's have spaces in between because it's fairly lengthy and a lot of long paragraphs
I'm not as witty as Ginny is so her comments might not be as sharp as she really is. But Ginny's just being... well Ginny in this chapter
Couldn't think of a very good title so I just now put what worked best...

Chapter 8

Walking down the hallway once more, I found I could see my way a bit better. The shadow overcast so long ago seems to have vanished, getting even better as I continued walking. The light eventually came very bright; I had to shield my eyes as I neared a wall. Squinting, I removed my hand and looked past the black metal bars. Dom seemed to have found the door handle.
Silently, I watched her struggle, knowing I couldn’t do anything about it. She even pulled out her wand and muttered a spell, but yet that didn’t even seem to work. Her fight seemed futile, yet she kept trying.
Why is she still stuck in here?
I dropped my head, and as soon as I did my head hit the metal bars...

Harry was awoken by something hitting his head. Hard. He swore under his breath. Sitting up slowly, he saw Neville trying to move something off of his dresser with magic.

“Just save time and move it with you hands, Neville,” Harry grunted as he rubbed his head.

“Oh, uh... sorry Harry. Did I hit you?” Neville asked turning around.

“No...” Harry groaned sarcastically as he sat up, still rubbing his head as his feet touched the cold floor. As he stood up, the dormitory door swung open, crashing into the wall. Harry cringed, the noise sounded abnormally loud.

“Harry! You were supposed to be at the Quidditch pitch at least half an hour ago!” someone exclaimed. “They’re starting to form a riot out there...”

Harry felt around for his glasses. Putting them on, he saw a battered Ron leaning on the doorway, purple and black bruises standing out on his paled face. He looked as though he had just escaped Azkaban.

“Huh?” was all that escaped Harry’s mouth.

“Try-outs!” Ron exclaimed, bewildered. “How could you forget?”

Rolling his eyes, Harry quickly changed into his Quidditch robes - he liked the Quidditch Captain badge he had gotten very much - and left the dormitory. He rushed out of the common room and to the Quidditch Pitch. Ron was right, there was a rioting mob of practically all the boys of Gryffindor House, along with a few girls. He even saw someone break another’s broom in half. The boy took his broken broom and ran off the pitch, wailing and crying. The boy passed Harry and was out of sight not even a moment later.

Running up to the pitch, Harry stood in front of the crowd.

“Stop!” Harry hollered. The rioting continued on. Pulling out his wand, Harry whispered, ‘Sonorous’. He then put the wand up to the side of his neck.

“Calm down!”

The group came to an abrupt half. Half-cast spells flew out of their owner’s wands, breaking whatever was closest (and breakable ). Harry then pulled his wand away and whispered, ‘Quietus’.

“You all want to be on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, am I correct?”

They all nodded frantically, some people even yelled, ‘Yes!’

“You all want to defend the hoops, toss the Quaffle from person to person, and hit some bludgers to the other team, correct?”

“Yes!” the group called out.

“Well rioting the way you were doesn’t improve my judgment of every single one of you.”

Everyone in the group looked sheepish.

“Now you all your brooms?”

The group of people held up their brooms, ranging from the school’s Cleansweeps to Nimbuses.

Harry started organizing the group into smaller groups, and then he made them all circle the Pitch for a few minutes. He managed to lose half the size of the group; the first years couldn’t keep up. After testing Beaters, he ended up with two 6th year guys. He then tested the Keepers until he had two left; Ron and another 6th year transfer from France, Anne. When he dwindled down the group of Chasers, he got them all to shoot on the two.

“Name?” Harry asked automatically.

The person, a girl, laughed.

“Dominique Fraser.”

Harry looked up and saw Dominique in front of him, a Firebolt at her side. He was surprised she had one, but he had one himself so he shouldn’t seem so astonished. He wrote down her name.


“You’re testing the Chasers, right?”

Harry blushed as he scribbled out her name - it was under the Beater column he had set up (even though he had filled the Beater positions) - and put it into the Chaser column.

“Take a shot at Ron,” Harry said when he finished writing. She walked away, and he watched her grab the Quaffle and mount her broom. Ron was looking rather edgy; he hadn’t needed to face a Firebolt yet. She kicked up off the ground and sped towards Ron, doing a series of dodges and rolls to avoid the bludgers, shot by the beaters Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote, flying at her. She got up to the hoop, flew to her left quickly, and then back to her right and shot; she had made it through, causing Ron to miss one goal out of 5. He looked rather glum as he landed on the ground.

When Anne got her turn, she didn’t miss any, but when the last shot was made, she went the wrong way, a lost expression on her face.

After Harry finally got the team, he noticed it was almost dark. He called the team down, not even having time for their planned practice.

“Sorry, but as you can tell it’s a bit late for practice. I’ve got the pitch booked tomorrow so be here at four in the afternoon!”

“Why tomorrow?” Peakes asked.

“Yeah, tomorrow is busy for pretty much everyone here...” one of the chasers, Demelza Robins, added.

“Tomorrow is Saturday, how is it busy after four?” Harry asked.

“Tomorrow is a day at Hogsmeade,” Demelza answered as if it was obvious.

“Well... I knew that,” Harry said defiantly. “Sunday, the day after tomorrow, be here at 9 then.”

“In the morning?” Ginny, one of the new Chasers, complained. She isn’t much of a morning person; she usually has to have her roommates pull her out of bed, by force, at 11am.

“That way it’s out of the way, wakes you up and you have time to do any homework,” Harry responded simply.

“Since when’d you care about doing homework?” Ginny shot back at him. The team chuckled.

“I vaguely recall seeing you do your homework from noon til midnight, Gin.”

Ginny opened her mouth to respond, but thought of nothing to say.

“Sunday, 9am unless I say the day is changed. Our first match is against Slytherin and that’s next Saturday, so we have to practice and get used to working with each other,” Harry stated.

“You sound like an old wise crack,” Ginny cut him off. The team started to laugh, but stopped when they saw the look on Harry’s face.

“Thank you, Ginny, that’s what I was aiming for,” Harry responded sarcastically. “And you’re all free to go.”

Ginny, Demelza, Peakes, Coote, and Ron walked off, Ginny leading ahead. Dom didn’t budge from her spot. Harry was about to follow as well, but he didn’t want to leave her all alone either.

“So there’s a Hogsmeade day tomorrow?” he asked, attempting to rid of the awkward (to him it was) silence.

“Yeah,” she responded. “Personally I can’t wait; I’ve never been there before.”

Harry was stunned. He was about to ask why she hadn’t been there with her parents, but he thought better.

“Do you need a guide?” he asked with a cocky grin. Dom chuckled and looked up at him.

"That’d be great,” she responded, smiling.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 01-01-2007 at 12:20 AM. Reason: being an idiot (forgot to add Ron in one part)
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