Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
Yay! Now I postie the rest!
Like I said, you know I'm not great with any form or written fluff, but I tried! (you'll see more in the end of this part/chapter).
Oh, you'll see what happens between Harry and Ginny  I had to add this part, I couldn't leave it out! There isn't that much to this part now that I think of it really, but whatever! 
(Now from Harry’s POV, I said why of course  ) “Ginny...”
She spun around and stormed out of the bar. Harry got up and ran after her.
“Clearly you don’t want anything to do with me, so I’m just saving your time!” she yelled back, walking quickly down the road towards Hogwarts.
“Ron and Hermione didn’t know beforehand if that’s what you mean. Hey, wait!” Harry ran faster as Ginny started running down the road leading towards the gates of Hogwarts.
“You didn’t even send me one letter until two months ago, well after Mione!” she shot back, running closer to the castle.
“I wrote yours long before I wrote Hermione’s, but I don’t have all the time in the world to send letters!” Harry was starting to loose his breath from following Ginny. They ran into the castle.
“Yet you have time to send Hermione’s long before mine.”
“Do you honestly care that much about when you receive letters?” Harry couldn’t help but ask as they turned towards the stairs.
“I’d at least like to be acknowledged!”
“You were!” They started running up the stairs.
“Ya, after how many months?”
“Honestly, Ginny, you’re acting like a child that didn’t get their way.”
“Now I’m a child? Just because I’m younger it doesn’t mean I’m a child! I hate being looked at as ‘the child’ just because I’m youngest, and you know that!” she yelled as she ran down the second floor. Harry sped up once more and just managed to catch up with her.
Ginny skidded to a stop, and Harry did as well, right next to her. In front of them stood a spiky-haired professor with a scar running from his eye to his mouth.
“No running in the halls,” the teacher said coldly. Harry thought he sounded a hell of a lot like Snape did. “You,” he looked at Ginny, “Should know better. You,” he looked at Harry. “Are...?”
“Harry,” he responded simply.
The professor’s scarred lip curled into a sneer.
“Harry Potter? The Chosen One? The Boy Who Lived? Such an honour,” the professor said sarcastically.
“I’m assuming you’re Professor Kruliki,” Harry responded, a cruel smile forming on his face.
“What makes you say that?” the professor asked with mock kindness.
“I’ve heard stories.”
“Whom from?”
“No one you’d care about.”
“Why you...”
“Professor, he doesn’t go to the school, you can’t tell him off like you would to a student,” Ginny cut in. Professor Kruliki looked at Ginny, and then at Harry, sneering once more.
“Your girlfriend is sticking up for you? How... touching.”
“If you want to anger me you might want to start with an original line,” Harry shot back. “Snape used to use that before he fled the grounds.”
Professor Kruliki’s expression turned to sheer anger.
“How dare you compare me to a Death Eater!”
“Then don’t bother me,” Harry snapped, glaring. “I’m not a student here anymore, you have no right to bug me.”
“Just because you have that scar on your head it doesn’t give you the right to back-sass everyone. From what I’ve heard, there’s never been a wizard so mediocre with such a great ego,” the professor said, smiling coldly.
A glimmer of slightly insane anger shone in Harry’s eyes for a moment. It was gone in the blink of an eye.
“You got your ‘no running’ point across, so go,” he said in a low, threatening way.
The professor eyed him for a moment, but left without a word. As soon as he did, Ginny stormed off again.
“Gin!” Harry started following her again.
“You know what? Just forget it, you’ve seemed to do that a lot when it comes to me lately,” she yelled back as she ran up another flight of stairs. Harry ran up them two at a time (skipping one stair every time you walk/run up), and when he got to the third floor managed to grab Ginny’s arm. She spun around with an angry expression.
“Let go,” she snarled, trying to pull away from Harry’s grip. It was useless, he was stronger because of his ‘task’, his grip wasn’t removed.
“Whatever I did, I’m sorry,” he told her softly.
“Whatever you did? Whatever you did?” Ginny practically screamed. Out of blind anger, she started hitting him and yet trying to get her arm away. “You... think I’m weak... break up with me... because of it! You... don’t say... a word... to me... for four months!” she yelled as she continually hit many times over.
“Gin, stop...” Harry pulled her into a tight hug, trying to calm her down.
“You don’t... act like you... even care,” Ginny yelled, still blindly trying to attack Harry. “Like... I’m not there... just cause I’m... younger it... doesn’t mean... I’m not there!” She tried pushing away from Harry, thrashing everywhere but it was no use. “Why...?” She gave up, then falling into him and crying. Harry held for nearly ten minutes, stroking her hair comfortingly.
Ginny seemed as if she was trying to say something, but it sounded like a stream of babbling words coming through choked sobs. Once she stopped shaking, Harry loosened his grip on her.
“Are you going to be ok?” he asked.
Fresh tears fell from Ginny’s eyes again. Harry cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.
Outta like, all the ships, I have to say H/G is the 2nd of my favs (if I didn't know about Dramione, H/G would be my first pick, but nope, I saw that one vid on YouTube and it changed my thoughts completely  I can almost never write a story without Dramione cause of that video).
That's why I couldn't resist the ending to the chapter
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