Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
if I see a comment on this thread in about 1 hour and 50 minutes, I'll post.
If later, I can't post til tomorrow most likely. I got off going to my alto sax lesson so I got time to post today. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to post at all til tomorrow.
So if you want Part 2 of this chapter (yes, part 2), you'll have to comment within the next hour and 50 minutes unless you want it coming tomorrow or possibly the day after, I dunno.
The beginning of the chapter is like, super-short, I know... but it leads up... kinda. 
You all know I’m not good with all fluffy romance stuff... but I tried! (in the end of the chapter mainly, but in the beginning as well when they're in Hogsmeade of course...).
Long chapter, switches POVs halfway through (aka, Part 2 is POV switch) Chapter 24
Looking up from her book, she saw Ron (pretending) to do his Transfiguration homework.
“There’s... a... Hogsmeade trip... tomorrow... and erm... I was... wondering...”
“If I wanted to go with you?” Hermione finished, knowing it would take Ron forever to ask.
“Well... erm... do you?”
“Sure,” she responded, smiling. As she went back to her book, she couldn’t help but wonder if this was the Hogsmeade trip Harry would show up on.
The next day, Hermione and Ron set out to Hogsmeade with Ginny. Ginny followed behind them and went into Honeydukes for a bit. She hung around inside with some of her other friends, and Ron and Hermione left, going down the main road hand in hand.
Something poked Hermione’s shoulder. Screaming in utter surprise, she jumped forwards and up quite high. She heard a couple of people laughing. Turning around, she saw Ron going red from laughing, and another boy next to him. He was about his height, had black hair and she recognized his eyes right away.
“Harry!” she squeaked, still feeling her adrenaline rushing. He couldn’t respond, he was still laughing at her reaction with Ron.
“Oh, stop it!” she snapped. Ron seemed to be letting out snorting breaths, but he did try to stop. Harry on the other hand had to bend over and lean on his knees, he was laughing so hard.
“You ok?” Ron asked once he was able to breathe normally. Hermione was still shaking slightly when she walked up to him. He put his arms around her in a comforting hug.
“Ok... I’m fine...” Harry was still chuckling. “And I thought your reaction was hilarious, but you and Ron...?” He started to laugh harder again. Ron let go of Hermione and punched his shoulder.
“I need that shoulder...” Harry mumbled as he stretched his arm.
“And here was me hoping you’d show up this time!” Hermione exclaimed.
“Well I can always go if you don’t want me here...”
“So what’s been going on with you lately? Still haven’t gotten a letter...” Ron cut in.
“You didn’t get my letter?” Harry asked as the three of them started walking, Ron and Hermione back hand in hand. “Hedwig came back with no parchment attached, so I can only assume...”
Hermione sniggered when she saw Harry’s expression changing from thoughtful to horrified.
“There’s some very valuable information in that letter, it’s not funny,” Harry said sharply.
“Sorry...” Hermione responded, slightly taken aback. “But still, maybe Hedwig managed to nip off or something, or Neville or Dean or Seamus got a hold of it and forgot to give it to Ron...”
“I mailed it a month and a bit ago, so it must’ve been Neville...” Harry muttered.
The three of the looked forwards and saw a dumbfounded Neville.
“Hey, Neville,” Harry said with a smile. “How’ve you been?”
“Uh... I’ve... been fine...” he stuttered.
“Did you happen to get a letter for me, Neville?” Ron asked curiously.
“Uh...” Neville appeared to be in thought. “I think so... ya, I did.”
Harry let out his breath, thankful it was Neville that had found it compared to Malfoy or Crabbe or Goyle (which he still didn’t know the two morons were gone).
“Do you happen to still have it?” Ron asked, knowing what the answer was anyways.
“It’s... somewhere in the room, it never left.”
“Good,” Harry mumbled.
“But what’re you doing here when you didn’t return?” Neville asked Harry.
“Just because I’m not in Hogwarts this year, it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a day in Hogsmeade,” Harry pointed out. Neville shrugged.
“Well it is great to see you again!” Neville said cheerfully. “See ya later!” He then walked away.
Harry, Ron and Hermione continued walking down the road, fighting the sudden wind and snow that had just picked up, and headed to The Three Broomsticks. They entered and sat down.
“Good to see you back, Harry,” Madam Rosmerta said as the three of them sat down at a nearby table. “What do you three want?”
“Why not a Butterbeer, for old time’s sake?” Hermione suggested.
“Three Butterbeers!” Harry called to Rosmerta. She nodded and went behind the counter.
“So how come I haven’t heard about this?” Harry asked, looking at Hermione.
“About what?”
“You two.”
Ron, who was sitting next to Hermione, blushed sheepishly. His ears started going red.
“I haven’t sent a letter in the past... week or so,” Hermione responded, shrugging.
“Wonder how much longer this one’ll last...”
“’Ey!” Ron exclaimed, kicking Harry sharply. “I’m not that horrible! Am I...?” He looked at Hermione.
“Of course not!” Hermione told him automatically. Honestly though, she was actually starting to wonder. She felt horrible for being unsure, but when she would see Draco at the Slytherin table, alone and watching her when Ron wasn’t aware, she questioned if she really had something with Ron or not.
He smiled weakly and squeezed Hermione’s hand, then turning back to Harry.
“So how has life gone so far? I mean, not that I know...” Ron asked slowly.
“I’ve spent more time camping then in the Headquarters,” he responded, shrugging.
“So that’s why you seem thinner,” Hermione commented.
“That’s exactly what Ron’s mum said!” Harry said in an exclaiming way, trying not to be too loud. “She’s been overfeeding me whenever I’ve had time to return home.”
Ron chuckled.
“Three Galleons,” Madam Rosmerta said as she put the three Butterbeers on the table. As Hermione started to dig in her pocket, Harry said, “I’ve got it.” He handed off three galleons, and Madam Rosmerta then walked away.
“I didn’t think your job exactly got pay,” Hermione said, grinning.
“I’ve still got my vault in Gringotts,” Harry responded pointedly., shrugging.
“I thought you spent it all on the trolley,” Ron said suddenly.
“If I did in the first place, it would’ve been or your sake more so than mine.”
Hermione chuckled, and Harry grinned. She saw the door to the bar open, and she recognized a person with long, firey-red hair.
“You’ve got a visitor, Harry,” Hermione said, pointing out a completely startled Ginny. She looked like she was getting more angry by the second. He turned around and saw Ginny’s now furious face.
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