No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher Professor Vindictus hurries out of the Captains' Locker Room with the rosters in his hand for the second game of the evening and with a simple flick of his wand, they appear. Hufflepuff Chaser: Evy (Evy) - Captain Chaser: Caitlin ( Chaser: Ashley (Potter101) Beater: Angel (Angel8807) Beater: TJ (1_true_fan_09) Keeper: Silvie (dan’s sugar pie) Seeker: Isabella (demonchild32191) Ravenclaw Seeker: Grangerfn1 Chaser: LovelyLunaLovegood Chaser: BrightestWitch - Captain Chaser: seeker1891 Beater: roonilwazlib Keeper: Freya
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Last edited by demented_death_eater; 12-16-2006 at 02:43 AM.
Reason: color codes hate me tonight