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Old 12-14-2006, 11:55 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Grace Cail

Water (200mL)- potion base
Salt (6 g)- emits light
Billywig stings, dried, powdered (2)- excitation
Essence of firefly (3 drops)- aids in the production of light

*Set water to boil and add salt, stirring clockwise until dissolved
*Powder billywig stings and add to boiling salt water, stir counter-clockwise 12 times, then clockwise twice and repeat six times
*Carefully add essence of firefly, one drop at a time, stirring 6 times counter-clockwise then clockwise twice in between each addition
*Reduce flame and simmer for 20 min before allowing potion to cool
*Carefully ladle potion into appropriately sized vessels
Phoebe read the potion which the proffesor had just put on the board. Phoebe agreeed it did seem simple but she would be very carefull to follow it exactly, she wasn't in the mood for another disaster. Walking up to Proffesor Braxtons desk she got a meausring bowl and ,easured out the appropriate amount of water. On her scales Phoebe weighed 6 gramms of salt, she then collected the two billywig stings and measured 3 drops of the essence of fire fly in a separate vial.

Phoebe poured the water into her cauldron and turned on the flame so it could boil. The water took very little time to boil, the time it did take Phoebe read the instructions once more. Once the water had boiled she added the salt carefull not to spill any. Phoebe left it to dissolve while she prepared the next step.

When the salt had succesfully dissolved Phoebe began to powder the billwig stings. Crusshing them very finely till they were powder she then added them to the salt water. Phoebe picked up a spoon and began stirring anti-clockwise 12 times counting carefully. Then she stirred clockwise twice, Phoebe repeated this four times till her arms began to ache, she continued stirring till it had been repearted six times and her potion was beggining to look like the ones around her.

Phoebe added one drop of firefly essence and then began stirring it six times counter-clockwise then clockwise twice. She then added another drop and repeated the stirring, she then added the final drop and repeated the stirring one last time. Phoebe reduced the flame like the instructions said and waited 20 minutes while she cleaned up.

After 20 minutes Phoebe turned the flame off and found a larger sized vial, the potion had cooled rather quickly so Phoebe hadn't had to wait for it to cool. She carefully ladled her potion into the vessel pouring it slowly so she wouldn't spill any. Then she added a lable saying her name and class with the date in the corner. Phoebe put the cork in and took it up to the proffesors desk. Phoebe then walked back to where she was working and waited for everyone else.
Sophie Day
[SlaptheWhiteFerret - Awesome siggy!]
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