After several moments of silence and some staring on the part of the students, Professor Branxton turned to the pristine blackboard. WIth a flick of his wand, white words began to scratch themselves onto the smooth black surface, Quote:
Water (200mL)- potion base
Salt (6 g)- emits light
Billywig stings, dried, powdered (2)- excitation
Essence of firefly (3 drops)- aids in the production of light
*Set water to boil and add salt, stirring clockwise until dissolved
*Powder billywig stings and add to boiling salt water, stir counter-clockwise 12 times, then clockwise twice and repeat six times
*Carefully add essence of firefly, one drop at a time, stirring 6 times counter-clockwise then clockwise twice in between each addition
*Reduce flame and simmer for 20 min before allowing potion to cool
*Carefully ladle potion into appropriately sized vessels
"The vials I wish you to use are upon my desk. I suggest everyone comes up and takes two now. I do not want anyone up and about while we are brewing this potion. Take particular care once you reach the final two steps as the potion will be most efficacious. You should also be sure that your salt is completely dissolved before continuing. It is imperative that the salt be completely dissolved for the potion to be brewed correctly. The directions may seem simple but, they must be followed precisely and with care. You may begin."
ooc: I will be stepping away from the computer for a while however, that does not mean that Professor Branxton is not here. Please be realistic in your RPing and remember that the teacher is around and hasn't gone deaf nor blind. Be patient with me if you are asking Professor Branxton a question or need assistance in any way (believe me, he wouldn't ignore a student passing out as some people in the past have RPed). I should be back later on to check on your progress. I like to leave the brewing portion of the lesson open for a while to allow those in other time zones a chance to participate. Thanks guys!