Thread: Harry Potter: Fallen - Sa13+
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Old 12-11-2006, 04:01 AM   #138 (permalink)
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With Ron and Mione... -almost let out secret but holds tongue-
Trying to work on chapter 8 of Dreams... who knew it'd be so hard man! No ideas at all... other than the first part I already have of course
Ya whatever, I'M POSTING CHAPTER 22!
Personally, I’m not a big fan of this chapter... The title, ya it’s a line from the show Kim Possible, I just thought it would kinda... work... Of course, when you read the title...

Ron+Hermione=Forever, I thought of you and what ya say about Ron when I wrote this chapter! So in a sense, it's dedicated to ya.
Of course I'll stop making it obvious and post.
Kinda short chapter (it's short on my terms).
P.S: Doing the spaces between the paragraphs cause this chapter is so short Easier to read that way probably... I can keep doing it if you guys want, I don't care. Whatever makes it easier
P.P.S: Tehe, the colour of the font matches Ron's hair.

Chapter 22
Mr. Smooth Makes his Move

Hermione ran back to the Tower, angry. She ignored some of the paintings’ complaints about the noise, and stopped in front of the Fat Lady.

“Butterbeer,” she said. The Fat Lady swung the door open, and Hermione entered.

“Where’ve you been?”

Jumping, Hermione saw a very angry Ron leaning against the couch, arms crossed across his chest.

“No where you’d care about,” she responded, walking through the common room towards the stairs of the common room.

“I do care actually, so tell me, where were you for the last while?”

“None of your business,” Hermione rephrased, spinning around on the spot, just at the bottom stair of the girls’ dormitory stairs.

“What’s your problem lately?” Ron demanded, arms now uncrossed. “You’ve been pushing me away, not telling Ginny anything for that matter...”

“You’ve been trying to get information out of Gin now?” Hermione asked in disbelief.

“Well if you actually told me what’s been going on, I probably wouldn’t have!”

“How dare you do such a thing! Honestly, if I don’t want to tell you something, you can’t force others to tell you!”

“You haven’t told me anything!” Ron countered.

“I can make my own decisions, Ronald, and one of them was to avoid telling you certain things.”

“Certain things? I haven’t heard a word from you in a long while now that wasn’t from an argument!”

“And it’s not my fault either, Ronald, you start them,” Hermione snapped, glaring.

“If you have the sense to realize your friends actually are there to help, then maybe we wouldn’t be in this problem right now!”

“Like I said, Ronald, I can make my own decisions. I don’t need you to tell me what to do.”

“Have you considered that maybe I’ve wanted to talk to you?”

Hermione’s open mouth, ready to shoot back a response, closed.

Ron’s angry expression seemed to get more furious.

“What do you want to tell me then?” she asked, sighing. Ron’s expression seemed to soften, but he still looked a bit angry at her.

“Never you mind.”


“Would ya quit sounding like my mum?”

Hermione’s expression flared again.

“Until I feel you’re acting appropriately enough to be called by what you want, I’ll keep calling you Ronald. Now honestly, what’s this all about?”

Without thinking, Ron walked up to Hermione, leaned down and kissed her.

*gasp* Will Hermione actually go with him? Will their friendship be ruined... forever? Will it be neither? Will it be both? Will it be just one of those?
Why am I asking so many questions?!

Find out in the next chapter and chapter after that! (more explained in two chapters/chapter 24, but you'll probably get it/understand/know in the next chapter/chapter 23)

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
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