This one was particularly troublesome ... Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 86. Daring
“Well if it isn’t the dastardly daring duo?” Draco said to a crowd of laughing Slytherins.
“We're actually a trio,” Hermione corrected coming from behind Ron and Harry, “Or don’t you know how to count Malfoy?”
The Gryffindors started laughing. The Slytherin took out his wand and was met by three others: Ron, Harry and Neville’s.
“I’m glad you’re all so eager to get started,” Professor McGonagall said, opening the door to her room, “But class is in here.”
Harry hid a snicker, while Ron stuck his tongue out, and Hermione tried to be above it all walking into Transfiguration.
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