Confections are Love ♥ Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 88. sweet tooth
“Duh Hermione, everyone knows a boys weakness is his sweet tooth,” Ottery and Ginny said together. They looked at each other and broke out laughing.
“What’ve you got there?” Harry asked Hermione walking up to her in the common room.
“It’s for Ron.”
“Ottery chocolate? Mind if I have some?”
“It’s not and I would. It’s for Ron.”
“Hermione you didn’t … with a love potion did you?”
She blushed, and gave him the box, “I knew this was a bad idea.”
Harry opened it, popped a candy, then someone else did. Harry looked up to see Ron. “Mmm candy.”
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