Book 7 ... yes Jo let me have a peek already it's all R/Hr & H/G :P Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 47. Portkey
“Stinky socks make for lousy portkeys,” Ron complained.
“Would you rather I had used your pants?” Hermione asked.
The boy blushed a bright red color. They were there to save Harry, outside of the dark and menacing domicile. It was like all the other homes around it but after the horror stories they had heard from Harry over the years, and given Ron’s previous experience in the Dursley household.
“Well go on,” Hermione said pushing the boy towards the door. “Ring the bell.”
“We couldn’t have come for Harry in the morning?” the boy said walking to the door reluctantly.
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