The Shippyness Returns ... Mwahahahahahahahahaha Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 31. Dress robes “Dress robes. Again?” Ron complained.
Harry stifled a giggle, Ginny smiled and kissed him. Before Ron could complain, Hermione was at his side.
“Yes Ronald, it’s called a graduation ball. Besides the twins bought you robes, and they’re lovely.”
“I just wore them for the last ball.”
“That was the start of term ball,” Ginny said.
“Really? Seemed a lot sooner.”
“The year went by so fast didn’t it?” Harry asked.
“Too quickly. Can’t believe I’m graduating.”
“Don’t be silly, Ron.” Hermione retorted. “You’d better have those robes pressed if you’re taking me to the ball.”
He blushed at that.
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