Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: law school
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| Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly LMAO.Okay so Jen and Leo where flirting back and forth.What do you think happened next?. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo
Deciding to start up a chat Leo looked up at the Gryffindor Prefect and smiled "So what's you name?" he asked her hoping she would say anything else but her name. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Turning to the Hufflepuff Prefect with a strained smile Jen replied, "Jennifer Wilson. You?" Lowering her voice and leaning closer to him she whispered, "Did you know about that?" indicating the Captains. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo smiled to the Gryffindor girl."Pleasure to meet such a wonderful gem as you" he said charmingly as he winked "My name is Leonardo Moretti.You can just call me Leo".Leo then took out his sketch book and started to sketch what was on his mind.thinking while sketching Leo looked up at Jen and noticed that she was really pretty. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen raised her eyebrows slightly in response to the boy's introduction. His name sounded familiar yet she couldn't place him. Leaning back in her chair, she took in the room once again. When her eyes landed on Leo again, she noticed he seemed to be staring at her. With a puzzled look she asked him, "Can I help you with something?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo didn't notice that Jen was noticing that he was noticing her.((OOC:That was confusing to write <.<))Leo shook his head off when she asked him if she could help,"Why yes.Can you do a pose for me.See I sketch things and I would really like to sketch you,since you are beautiful of course" Leo happily said as he winked. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen stared at Leo, mostly in shock. Why he wanted to sketch her, she had no idea. And he had just called her beautiful. Not really sure what to say to that, she glanced at Tia and nodded weakly. "I guess that would be alright. Any particular position?" she asked. As soon as the words were out of her mouth she regretted saying them. Apparently Tia disliked Leo for some reason, and at this point Jen wasn't really sure she cared for him either, but seeing as she had no intention of leaving the room anytime soon there was no reason not to agree to his request Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo
Leo smiled SCORE his insides shouted."Any position you would like would be just fine." he told her happily as he opened another page.Leo got his hand steady so he can start sketching this beautiful girl in front of him. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen shook her head slightly and steeled herself for what could possibly happen. If she were to just take out her wand now and cast one of Bucky's favorite transfiguration spells, she could avert what would likely be an awkward situation. After all, Billy Bob could use a companion.
With a small sigh, Jen folded her legs underneath her and placed an arm behind her head. At least this way she was comfortable. "Is this alright?" she asked Leo. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo grinned as Jen took her position.he loved the way she just sat there.Leo sighed dreamingly as he thought of thing you know,Leo started to sketch Jen.Hoping he would get every detail right,Leo kept squinting his eyes to look at Jen."almost done" he whispered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen became so lost in her fantasies of turning Leo into a nice fuzzy sheep that she almost didn't realize he was speaking to her. "Oh!" she exclaimed shaking her head violently as he handed her the sketch. Much to her surprise, it was rather good.
Looking up at him through her eyelashes, she remarked, "This is very good." Two could play at this game, she thought with a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo
Leo beamed when Jen said it was very good.Hearing that from her made Leo feel like he was soaring in the sky.His heart throbbed she is the one his thoughts told him he kept repeating that over and over and kept sighing Aww what a beautiful feeling he said to himself. "So Jen I forgot to ask.What year are you in?" he asked his eyes fluttering with joy. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen The smile remained on Jen's face as she replied, "This is my 6th year." She was about to add that she was a Prefect as well but that was rather obvious seeing as they were in the Prefect's Lounge. "What about you? I don't remember seeing you before," she asked curiously. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Ooooh this just keeps getting better and betterLeo thought as he bowed."Ahh you look so young.I could have sworn that I thought you were a 4th year" he charmingly said.Leo then looked at Tia and smiled.he looked back at Jen again when she said that she had never seen him before.looking at her dark brown eyes Leo grinned mischievously "Ahh well see that info'mation is for classified people only you know." he jokingly said."Naww I'm foolin wit you.I come from New land." He said as he held his heart a though he was in pain. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen rolled her eyes at Leo's comment about her looking younger. Other than her brother, no one ever told her that. In fact, she was often told quite the opposite, that she was much too mature for her age. At the mention of New York however, Jen's eyes lit up, all pretenses of flirting gone. Now she was genuinely interested. "New York? I was beginning to think that there was no one else in this school that had even heard of New York," Jen said excitedly. Leaning closer to Leo she continued, "I'm a New Yorker at heart. I've only lived here for the last few years." Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo's eyes widened as Jen said that she was from New York "Oh really?" he said as he noticed her leaning closer "Well I love seeing my people here if you know what I mean" he whispered in her ear. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen giggled at the mention of 'his people'. "Your people, huh? So do us card-carrying New Yorkers get any special benefits?" she inquired with a mischievious grin. Part of her felt bad for flirting so outrageously with Tia right there, but this was rather fun. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo laughed when Jen asked if "his people" had benefits."Ahh well.they do actually.I have the benefit of seeing a pretty girl like you" he told her as he brushed her hair from her eyes "never hide those gorges eyes" he whispered.
Originally Posted by Jen Jen blushed at the compliment and looked down at the floor. "Well that's one of your benefits, but what about me?" she replied meeting his gaze. So much for turning him into a sheep, Jen thought with an inward chuckle. Despite the fact that there were several other people in the room, it felt like it was just the two of them. Quote: Leo grinned "Well your benefits are being with me" he said as he got closer to her.Leo's sketch book then fell and it opened on the page that had Tia's sketch.Tia was surrounded by a heart and under it was written.always and forever.but actually it wasn't Tia it was Leo's dead Girlfriend Leo told Tia before.she looked amazingly like Julie.but no one knew except Tia. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen's smile turned to ice as she watched Leo's sketchbook flutter open to a picture of Tia. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the writing on the page. Of course, she thought, I should've known. The acidic smile still on her face, Jen reached down to pick up the sketchbook. Placing it on her lap, she rifled through it.
"Well Leo, I must say, you certainly are a talented artist. I'm sure she's told you that as well," Jen remarked as she flipped back to the picture of Tia. Being the nice person she was, she would give him a chance to explain. After that, well, she couldn't promise anything. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo's eyes widened from shock."Wha!?.How-I mean that ain't Tia!" Leo stuttered as he tried to explain.Leo looked at Tia since she knew the truth but she kept quite "Tia!" Leo exclaimed.Turning to Jen Leo tried to get his words together."Well see this is my dead girlfriend" he said his eyes starting to tear "I miss...her" he said letting sight out.hopefully Jen would understand right?. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen felt a pang of sympathy for the boy but at the same time she wasn't quite sure if she believed him. This is what I get for not leaving earlier, she thought, shaking her head. With a cold glint in her eyes, she withdrew her wand from her robes. Pointing it at Leo, she muttered an incantation. It was a harmless spell really, it would only make him unable to utter coherent sentences for the next few hours. Maybe that would curb his seemingly insatiable desire to flirt. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo was alarmed when Jen took out her wand. "NO!" he shouted but it was too late she had already cast the spell Leo didn't know what was it."Wh-wh-whhaaatttt--tt didaadiiidoo do!?" he asked blabbering.Leo then felt and itch in his bottom turning around Leo gasped.a sheep's tail was forming in his bottom.suddenly sheep fur was running threw Leo's body.and then with a "pop" Leo became.a Sheep.
Leo the sheep looked up at Jen and said "Baaaaa" as a translation to "great job." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen stared in shock as Leo transformed into a sheep. "No. No, no, no, no, no!" Jen said in disbelief. "This is not happening!" she moaned running a hand through her hair. All she had meant to do was cast a Babbling Curse, not turn Leo into a barnyard animal. And this was even worse than turning the couch of DOOM! into an animal. At least that had been an inanimate object. But Leo was a person, and a Prefect no less. There is no way this will end well, Jen thought.
In an attempt to fix the situation, she said "Finite Incantatem," in an anguished voice, praying that it would work. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo The Leo sheep baaed again "Baaaa" he said annoyed that he is a sheep.seeing that Jen tried to cast another spell the Leo ran away!.
Leo sheep got out of the Prefects room and was now in the wandering's hooves can be heard from a far distance Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen With a cry of frustration, Jen ran out of the room after Leo the sheep Lmao.Now the chase starts Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo sheep ran out of the Prefects room and into the wandering halls.The poor sheep was afraid.he ran every where.his hooves could be herd from a far distance."Baaaaaaaaaaaaa" he baaed as he ran around hoping some would turn him back to that handsome Leo Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen ran into the hall after Leo the sheep. She could hear him baaaaaing in the distance and knew there was no way she could catch him. "Accio Leo!" she exclaimed, waving her wand and continuing to head towards where she thought he was. "Leo! Come back here! I need to turn you back!" she cried. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo the sheep heard Jen's voice.NO he'll never go back with that crazy woman he needs to find someone he can trust!.Leo the sheep conitued running into the wandering halls.until he sees a hidden door. he runs to it and enters. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen sprinted past a girl from her own house in her mad dash to find Leo. She spotted the sheep going through a door nearly hidden by a statue. With a growl of frustration, Jen hurried after him. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo the sheep charged into the room and baaed once more."Baaaaaaaaa" he said looking at the Ravenclaw girl.Leo hoped she talked sheep."Baaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaa BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Leo repeated again and again he was saying HELP ME A CRAZY WOMAN IS AFTER ME!.but no one understood his sheep talk.poor Leo. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen ran into the room after Leo the sheep. Fortunately for her it was the Room of Requirement which meant there wouldn't be any professors. Or so she hoped. "Accio Leo!" she panted, summoning the sheep to her. "Leo! Would you just sit still for a minute so I can perform the countercurse?" she cried, completely ignoring the Ravenclaw. Raising her wand once more, Jen said the countercurse that would turn Leo back into his human form Quote:
Originally Posted by Julia Julia leaped to her feet as the door opened, hoping it would be someone she knew. Oh, yeah. She so knew a sheep. She stared at the sheep with an odd look on her face as it constantly baaed at her. "Sorry, little dude, but I don't speak sheep," she told it, tilting her head to one side. Julia had always wanted to pet a sheep, though, so she skipped over and began petting its head. How soft and... wooly.
She lifted her head as a Gryffindor ran into the room shortly after the sheep. Oh great. A prefect. Julia stood up with her arms over her head. "I didn't do it!" But then she realized that the girl was after the sheep, not her. Mumbling, Julia took her seat on the couch again and just watched the prefect and sheep. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo the sheep ran around so that Jen wouldn't cast the spell properly "Baaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaa" he repeated trasnlation to YOU CRAZY WOMAN!. Leo the sheep then ran out of the room and towards the grounds. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen With another shout of frustration, Jen tore out of the room after Leo, but managing to take the time to mutter an apology to the Ravenclaw girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo ran back to the wandering halls.baaing like crazy "BAAAAAA" he said loudly.He thought of going some where safe.THE GROUNDS!.The Leo Sheep thought.what a smart sheep he was. Leo the sheep ran as fast as he could to the grounds Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Completely ignoring all that she passed, Jen chased the sheep from the Room of Requirement through the halls out onto the castle grounds. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo the sheep ran as fast as he could he baaed and baaed along the way."BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he baaed as he knew that Jen wa running after him "BAaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA" he said again as he tried to run faster and faster.Leo the sheep suddenly tripped over a rock.Leo the sheep tumbled on the ground until he hit a small rock."Ba-aaa-aaa" he said as he felt stars were over his head. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen chased after Leo and nearly fell as she almost tripped over him. Regaining her balance, she prodded the sheep with her wand to make sure it was alive. Hoping no one had noticed, she once again muttered the countercurse to turn him back into a person. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo the sheep couldn't run this was no use.Leo felt that his feet and arms were getting back to normal.Leo's Black hair was back where it should be.his blue eyes gleaming with happiness."Thanks Baaa Baa" Leo said jokingly. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tabby
Tabby's eyes almost popped out of his head wen the sheep turned into Leo, the guy he had chatted to at the start of term. Totally forgetting the girls for a moment, he jumped up and rushed over. "You alright?" he asked, a bit confused as to why Leo was a sheep. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jen Jen leaned back and blinked a few times just to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating. With shout of joy, she enveloped Leo in a hug. "Oh thank god! You're human again!" she cried. She waited a few seconds before releasing him as another boy came over. "I'm so sorry. The spell must have backfired. I never meant for you to turn into a sheep!" she apologized. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leo Leo smiled as he saw Tabby rushing to see him."Yeah man.I'm BAAA." Leo coughed" I mean I am Perfect.still some glitches" Leo said while coughing a bit more."Hmmm I'm in the mood for salaWhen Leo was almost going to go.Jen enveloped him into a hug.Leo laughed as she apologized "Ahh it was a great run.I actually enjoied being a sheep Jen" he told her truthfully."Don't be sorry I knew.actually I didn't know it was an accident but hey we all make mistakes.Now ON TO THE SALAD!" Leo exclaimed as he walked up to the catsle alone.[d now" he said as he looked at Tabby "let's go eat I'm hungry" .
Annnd that is the story Leo was turned into a sheep.and nowhe wants salad |