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Old 12-03-2006, 06:44 AM   #1 (permalink)

Slytherin Slytherin
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Armand Beta-Erikson
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Damien Beta-Erikson
First Year
Default Lily, Did You Know? - Sa13+
Slytherin by heart

Note: This is a one-shot fic. Hope you enjoy it!

Spoilers: PS/SS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP. Written between Order of Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince.

Inspired by the song "Mary, Did You Know?" I heard the song while at a celebration, and I got visions of this piece. It's Christmas, post-war at Hogwarts. Harry has defeated Voldemort only days prior, and most of the school had to stay for Christmas holiday for safety reasons. Lily, did you know...?

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


~*Lily, Did You Know?*~

Harry stared out the window, waiting for the time to change over. In five minutes it would be Christmas. Six hours after that, Ron would wake up early, an event that only occurred on Christmas, in order to wake up everyone in Gryffindor Tower. Mere minutes after that there would be a mad rush down the stairs and to the tree that all were sure will have mysteriously appeared in the middle of the common room. There will be gifts for everyone who had been trapped here over the holiday. Once gifts have been opened, the celebration will continue.

Harry reached out the window at the brightest star in his view, feeling the cold air caress his lightly tanned skin. Sirius, that's you, isn't it? You're watching me now, aren't you? I did it, Sirius. A tear ran down his cheek, which he let run its course. Did you see me? Mom, dad... did you notice? Voldemort is gone. I did it for you... for all of you... How old was he when he defeated Voldemort the first time? How long ago was it that he was first known as the savior of the wizarding world? Then when he turned eleven, he finally learned what all wizards and witches had already known: he was a wizard, everyone's savior. The Boy-Who-Lived. It wasn't what he wanted. Not at all. But he did it. He did it for everyone who loved him, trusted him, and believed in him. And now he finally did their attentions justice.

Harry leaned out the window and felt the breeze rush through his hair, cold stinging his cheek where it was still wet. His first year at Hogwarts he managed to keep the philosopher's stone from Voldemort, bypassing his DADA teacher's attempts to kill him. His second year, he defeated a basilisk, and the memory of Tom Riddle, who again, tried to kill him. His third year proved somewhat better, though with the rumors abounding of someone trying to kill him, they were for once, not true. His fourth year signaled the return of Lord Voldemort, and he bore the sight of someone killed just in front of him. His fifth year he lost the only family he had left and had to face up to the fact that war was coming, and he would be the only one to end it. Him, or Voldemort. His sixth year bore through countless losses. This year... this year he finally defeated Voldemort. He was gone for good. It was but a few days ago, and it still bore fresh in his memory.

Harry wept, letting the sacred droplets fall to the earth several dozen feet below him. Never before had he time to grieve, and now that he was freed from destiny, he could let go of the pain and sorrow of losing all those who he loved. He let go of his family with each tear, his mother, his father, and Sirius Black. He let go of the teachers who pledged their lives to him, a tear falling for McGonagall, for Dumbledore, and yes, even for Filch and... Snape. Yes, most certainly for the spies that were of the Order. Tears for the Order, for the Aurors, for the students and those who joined the ranks of the Death Eaters because mommy and daddy told them to. Friends and foe that fell on the battlefield. Tears fell for them all.

It was unknown when he slept, but he awoke at 6am to Ron's yelling for everyone to get up and hurry downstairs. He wasn't sure he was able to open his eyes until a heavy weight fell upon him, depressing the bed around him. He opened his eyes to the sight of Ron over him, beaming at him. He could help but smile and shove the other boy off. He listened as the red-head hit the ground with a satisfying thud then got out of bed to get dressed. And as a mass, they ran down the stairs to the common room. Surely enough, the tree was there, and there were presents that abounded throughout the room. Students set down their presents for each other as they sought out their own. It was a giant hunt to find them all.

Harry gathered the few that he found and brought them aside to be opened. He looked around for his friends and caught Ron and Hermione in a secluded corner. Ron was blushing profusely, stumbling out some words that Harry couldn't hear. Hermione looked confused until Ron took out a small box, opened it, and presented it to her. Harry could just see the sparkle coming from inside the box when Hermione jumped Ron, holding him tightly. Ron seemed surprised at first, but his expression calmed as he held her, looking more mature than Harry could ever remember seeing. Ron pulled away from Hermione and pulled the object out of the box, taking her hand and slipping it on her finger. Hermione looked as though she was going to cry, and Harry took the time to focus on Ron. Merry Christmas, Hermione, he could just make out.

Harry smiled at his best friends and turned to his presents. One in particular stunned him: From Professor Severus Snape. He hands shook as he opened it. Inside was an ornate pocket watch. When he opened it, he was greeted by a miniature painting of his enemies turned friends. Everyone that he'd ever suspected and helped him was there. Professor Snape, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, and half a dozen others. He fought the urge to start crying again and closed it. Turning the watch over, he saw written, "Remember Us." He silently slipped the watch away. Professor Snape was one of the last to go. When did he have this made? He remembered the first, and last, time he ever saw the professor truly smile at him. It was the final battle, just after he was hit by the killing curse. Snape had turned to him with that smile, the look in his eyes telling Harry just why he was dying. This is for you, he seemed to say, before hitting the ground, lifeless.

Lily, did you know? Did you know...

"This is your son? This is who he will be, and what will become of him." Sirius turned to Lily, his smile soft and sad. "All that you've seen will happen. We'll all talk about how he saved us, but I hope that somewhere along the way, we saved him."

Lily was full of tears, her hands trembling. She would die soon enough, and her boy would grown up with her horrible relatives. "Sirius, how can this happen? Why does this have to happen?" She became overcome with sadness and threw herself into Sirius' arms.

He held her as she cried. "Lily, did you know... your son would be the savior of the wizarding world? I wish sometimes, we had a chance to thank him."

"Why don't we... why can't we?"

"Lily, you know why."

"Do I?"


Lily awoke with tears in her eyes, clutching the sheets. She couldn't place why she was crying, but she knew something sad was going to happen. Silently, without disturbing James, she climbed out of bed and went to see her son, sleeping in the next room. She smiled and caressed his face, tears now streaming. Without knowing why, she whispered to the newborn, "Thank you."


This was also posted by me in Fiction Alley two years ago. With the upcoming holiday season, I decided to brush it off and share it with you.
Armand and Damien Beta-Erikson
Named for Legends

Last edited by Zellanna; 12-04-2006 at 12:10 AM.
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