Thread: Harry Potter: Fallen - Sa13+
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Old 11-26-2006, 07:01 PM   #80 (permalink)
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The title completely speaks for itself
For no apparent reason I felt like posting in pink, even if the chapter is in Draco's POV.
That's all really...
Of course, as I always say...

Chapter 15
The Cow Strikes Back

Draco stayed in the hospital wing overnight. He hadn’t had much sleep; he was lost in his thoughts. Thinking about when Hermione visited him, Draco realized he had felt something, something he had never believed to be real. He came to the conclusion that love really does exist, that it isn’t just in fairy tales. He had fallen in love with a mudblood, but he couldn’t care less about blood lines anymore.
“You’re free to go,” Madam Pomfrey said when he woke up.
“What about...?”
“You’ve got an hour until lunch,” she responded, knowing what he was going to say.
Slipping the sling on, Draco grumbled and rolled out of the hospital wing bed. He wandered out of the wing, holding onto the golden egg at the same time (he had kept it under his pillow), and through the hallways. It took him a few minutes to realize today was Saturday.
“When did you get out?”
Draco recognized the voice immediately. He just ignored her and kept going.
“Draco darling?”
He shivered at the way Pansy spoke, but kept going.
“Are you sure you’re ok? It’s me...”
“Pansy, I know!” he snapped, stopping in his tracks. He turned around and faced the startled cow of a girl. “If you have any problems on your thoughts upon my health, take them to Madam Pomfrey and leave me be.”
Pansy’s mouth dropped in a disbelieving stunned expression. In the blink of an eye, she recoiled her hand and with a strong arm, she slapped Draco square on his left cheek.
“How dare you speak to me like that!”
That was the last straw, Draco had put up with her for his entire life, she was always there, latching onto him like a leech (resembling one physically for that matter). He couldn’t believe that she had the guts to do such a thing to him, forcing him to go against his strongest moral. Pansy looked at him expectantly, and with all of his might, Draco kicked Pansy in the shin.
“Leave me be!” he yelled as he spun around and walked away. Pansy howled, both in anger and pain, yet didn’t run after him to retaliate.
Draco walked through the hallways, rubbing his left cheek lightly as he did so, not planning on going to the Slytherin common room for awhile. He went to the one place he had been wanting to go for awhile now, he had made his way to the library. People started at him, the Triwizard Champion with one red cheek as he looked at each table for the one he had been wanting to see.
“Granger!” he whispered form behind a bookshelf once he saw her. Hermione turned around, but she didn’t seem to see him. She went back to her work.
“Granger!” he said again with a bit more force. She spun around in her chair again, but still didn’t seem to see him.
Pulling a book off the shelf, Draco levitated it and sent it out towards Hermione, indicating where he was by doing so. She got up and came towards him, so he dropped the book.
“When’d you...?”
“A few minutes ago,” he responded automatically. “Now about this bloody egg...”
“Meet me in the fifth floor prefect’s bathroom, and be ready to have a bath.”
“You’ll see,” she cut him off. “I can get the password, if that’s also what you’re wondering. Tonight at seven, be there with the egg, ready for a bath.”
Before he could even respond, she walked away. He watched her for a few minutes, and then left the library, dazed.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
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