Thread: Harry Potter: Fallen - Sa13+
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Old 11-25-2006, 05:40 AM   #70 (permalink)
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yay, now I can post the next chapter!
Well ya, here it is. I lub it! It switches between Draco and Hermione's POV (you can tell whose is who).
Anyways, here it is. I love this chapter compared to the 2nd task chapter

Chapter 13
The First Task

Draco stopped where he was and turned around. He followed the Durmstrang champion and went up to the staff table where the Beauxbatons champion, Avril, stood. Professor McGonagall and the Head of the International Games Department explained the rules of the task, and once finished, they went around the coliseum and into a tent. They changed and waited for the Head of the International Game Department, Clyde Lagerstorm.
“Is everyone ready?” Mr. Lagerstorm asked as he came into the champion’s tent. Draco, Durmstrang Champion Nate and Avril shrugged and grouped around the Head. He held a hat.
“Inside this hat is a miniature version of the dragons you will fight; the Welsh Green, the Swedish Snort-Snout, and the Hungarian Horntail.”
It started to come back to Draco, how Potter had summoned his broom and fought the Hungarian Horntail by disappearing from the coliseum for a long while and suddenly zooming back and getting the egg.
“Ladies first,” Mr. Lagerstorm said as he held the hat out to Avril. She carefully stuck her hand inside, winced momentarily, and then pulled out a small, yellow dragon; the Swedish Short-Snout.
Mr. Lagerstorm held the hat out to Nate, who pulled out a green dragon.
“It looks like you are left with the Hungarian Horntail,” Clyde concluded. “Now, we have put the Welsh Green outside first, so Beauxbatons goes first.
Draco and Nate sat on the chairs in the tent, listening to the battle raging on outside. Cheering erupted after a long while, indicating Avril had finished.
“Nate Olivarez!”
The Durmstrang champion left Draco alone in the tent. During which time, he thought about what he was going to do on his try, how he would get the egg. He figured he could try summoning the egg itself first, and if that fails, do what Potter did and summon a broom, out-fly the dragon and get the egg.
“Draco Malfoy!”
Sighing, Draco got up. He rubbed his eyes and then walked out into the rocky core of the coliseum. It was bare, nothing but hard ground underneath his feet. Looking across the field, he saw the egg, but no dragon. He tip-toed down the crags of the coliseum centre, closer to the egg. With his attention on the egg, he didn’t see nor hear anything.
A piercing roar reached Draco’s ears and he was nearly set on fire. Diving behind a rock just in time, he had nearly been killed by the Hungarian Horntail.

Hermione got a good view Malfoy diving behind the rock. She jumped, which surprised her. She thought she’d be laughing by now, because the way he dived was rather amusing, but instead of laughing, she was... worried.
She saw Malfoy pull out his wand, and the egg started moving. The Hungarian Horntail grabbed the egg and roared. It looked around the coliseum hungrily for its opponent, the one trying to steal its egg. Hermione’s eyes were glued on Malfoy as he mumbled something. He jumped out from behind the rock and went behind another, narrowly missing the tail of the Hungarian Horntail swinging at him.
There was a whizzing sound. Hermione couldn’t believe it, Malfoy was actually doing the exact same thing Harry had, trying to summon the egg, and when that didn’t work, summon a broomstick and fly. Of course, he did just that.
Malfoy jumped onto the Firebolt he had summoned and flew around the dragon, barely missing its claws, teeth and tail. He did a series of complicated moves that confused the audience as much as the dragon, and managed to dive under the Horntail while in its confused state.
The Horntail looked around for Malfoy’s blonde head, but little did it know Malfoy was trying to avoid its feet underneath as he tried reaching for the egg. Hermione was scared he would be crushed.
Wait, why am I scared about Malfoy’s wellbeing? Hermione realized.
She saw it coming. As Malfoy recoiled his hand to avoid the Hungarian Horntail’s foot, he got dragged down and landed roughly on the rock, left arm bent awkwardly under him. He didn’t move for several minutes, and neither did the dragon.
To the crowd’s amazement, he started to crawl and managed grab the egg.

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