I gues you'll have to find out what happens with Ron and Draco... I'm actually worked on a part with them and am gonna have another few

gah, i just got my new glasses and after taking them off it's like I can still see the form of the lenses in front of me (they're metal on top only, with lenses duh, but no metal underneath, so they're fragile but lighter), and I when I keep looking up or down and my eyes are down, it's like there's an outline. It's frickin annoying! (least I don't need to wear them all the time

Mainly reading... never thought it'd be possible to get a sharper image of words b4 puting the glasses on, let alone around the world but apparently it's normal to become used to it but when you put 'em on you get a sharper image

Anyways, ya, I'll post tomorrow most likely, if I feel like it maybe later today...
He and Draco are gonna have to fight for her

(don't feel like moving this to the top of my post, to lazy...

And ya, to lazy to look up the eat slugs thingy so ya, may as well take it out since it don't work when I try)