Thread: Harry Potter: Fallen - Sa13+
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Old 11-23-2006, 03:01 PM   #59 (permalink)
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k, well I gues I can post without breaking meh own rule, so ya... Here's Chapter 11! I kinda like the title of this one, you'll figure out where it came from about halfway through... (I couldn't think of a good title and this came to mind I think it's kinda cute, you might, might not, but you'll find out halfway through so ya...).

Chapter 11
Ginny’s Epiphany

“Boy, where’s Harry when you need him...?” Ron mumbled to himself as he paced in his dormitory at midnight.
“We can hear you, Ron!” Seamus said loudly from his bed, which Ron was pacing at the end of.
“Where’s help when you need it?” Ron rephrased, still pacing.
“We can still hear you Ron!” Dean added, who was talking with Seamus on his bed. Ron turned to them.
“Well you aren’t being a help, so why should I acknowledge you two?” he snapped.
“What d’ya need help with? Finding Roonil Wazlib’s book?” Dean asked. He and Seamus snickered. Ron glared, which made them stop after a moment.
“Really, what’s the matter?” Seamus asked.
“Roonil Wazlib,” Dean mumbled. Seamus snorted.
“Forget it, where’s... no, Neville won’t be a help...”
Neville just walked through the dormitory door and heard Ron’s comment. Neville sat on his bed.
“What’s got robes up in a knot?” Neville asked.
“Hermione!” Ron exclaimed. The three guys raised an eyebrow and exchanged glances. “Ever since the train ride, I can’t stop thinking about her! She’s changed, mate...”

Hermione just barely managed to slip past Filtch when she got to the Fat Lady. She checked her watch and saw it was midnight.
“Kippers,” she told the Fat Lady. Groaning and grumbling, the Fat Lady awoke.
“What’re you doing out of bed?” she snapped.
“Kippers,” Hermione repeated.
“Sorry to inform you, but the password changed at midnight.”
“It is exactly midnight!”
There was a few moments of silence.
“Well it changed a minute ago. Anyways, the password isn’t kippers anymore,” the Fat Lady informed her (exactly) minute later.
“Ugh!” Hermione brought a fist back, ready to point on the wall beside the Fat Lady so someone could open then door.
“Don’t!” the Fat Lady exclaimed. She opened the door for Hermione before she brought down her fist.
Smiling, Hermione made her way through the portrait hole. She nearly had a close call with Malfoy before, she’d never been so close to him before (sitting-wise), and he had an odd look in his eyes, like he wanted something more. Of course, before he could try, Hermione checked her watch and said it was midnight and that they should go, since Draco’s common room was in the dungeons, and it would take a long while considering they were in the highest tower of Hogwarts, the tower Dumbledore had been murdered at for that matter.
“Where’ve you been?”
Hermione jumped and saw Ginny looking over the sofa by the fire.
“Around,” she responded simply as she passed through the common room.
“Meeting someone?
How the hell does she know these things? Hermione wondered.
“What makes you say that?” Hermione asked cautiously.
“I was in the library, Mione.”
Hermione bit her tongue to hold back the swear that nearly came out.
“I can’t believe you’re honestly helping the ferret!” Ginny snapped.
“I want Hogwarts to win this time, fairly. The only way I can do that is if I assist Malfoy, even if I truly don’t want to all that much. He asked me, if you weren’t listening to that part in the library.”
Ginny glared.
“Since when did you care so much about who won the Triwizard Tournament? You said yourself its all for ‘international cooperation’.”
“What makes you say that?”
“I heard Harry complaining about it here in the common room after the Yule Ball.”
“Have you gotten any letters from him lately?” Hermione asked curiously, attempting to change the subject slightly.
“No... why? Did you get one?”
“Why does he hate me? What did I do to him that made so mad he’s not mailing?! I sent him at least two letters and got no response, while you mail him nothing and he sends you a letter! He hates me!!” Ginny cried. Before Hermione could say he claims to be really busy, Ginny ran up the stairs leading to the girls’ dormitories, sobbing.
“What’d you do?”
Hermione scowled when she saw Ron looking down from the boys’ dormitories.
“She apparently hasn’t gotten any letters from Harry after sending him two, and I got a letter after not mailing him at all yet.”
“She’s crying over that?”
“Ronald!” Hermione snapped.
Hermione glared at him, shook her head and went up the stairs leading to her dormitory, leaving Ron baffled.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 11-23-2006 at 03:13 PM. Reason: stupid grammer-perfection...
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