Thread: Harry Potter: Fallen - Sa13+
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Old 11-21-2006, 11:01 PM   #51 (permalink)
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ok, before I post the rest, I gotta say something
-walks in on red carpet with trumpeteers announcing arrival-
A-hem -clears throat and pulls out scroll, unwraps it and reads-
There will be a sequel to Choices!
That's all Like I say, it will PROBABLy be short cause I don't have many ideas... (sorry bout that, creative block kinda jumped into the middle of the road... I've got my ways of bring Draco and Hermione into it... hehehe)

Anyways, here's the rest of the chapter It's short cause well, ya, the other parts are longer, this is way shorter basically... ok, way shorter! It's like, barely a page on MS Word put together...
I'll post chapter 10 in a few days, still gotta get past this part I'm stuck on in chapter 19... 0_o (added an hour later: Yay, I got past it! Part of my creative writing block wall thing was torn down and I got an idea, so ya... I'll post chapter 10 tomorrow most likely, that is unless I don't see a comment and I have to postpone posting my post. Wow, that's a tongue-twister, ain't it? )

Chapter 9
Draco's Detour (Part 3)

“Then no help.” Hermione started to turn back to her work again.
“You know as well as I about reputations. It’s within mine to be going after you, so I can’t just go away,” Draco responded pointedly.
“And it’s within my reputation to hex off people like you; you’re in the same hole as I am here.”
“Look Granger, it’s just the first two tasks I need help with, I remember the third clearly.”
“Apparently,” she spat.
“So it’s not even going to be the whole year...”
Hermione turned around to face him again, having to look up at his six foot figure looming over her chair.
“If I help you, would you quit bugging me right now?”
“Fine, but there’s one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“Anytime I say to meet me anywhere I say, you have to be here then. Only excuse being detention, other than that, if you miss a time, I’m not helping you. Do you agree?”
“Yeah,” Draco responded, rolling his eyes.
“I’ll tell where and when we meet, and you better be there.”
“Where else are you talking about?” he asked.
“More quiet areas, where no one would think to check.”
“Places like...?”
“The Astronomy Tower will be most common. And don’t question me either.”
“Because you don’t want to be asked a question without knowing the answer?” he couldn’t help but crack. Hermione scowled.
“Are you busy tonight?” she asked.
“What time and where? Wait, I questioned you there...”
Hermione gave him a dirty look.
“Do you know how to get back to your common room without getting caught?”
“Good. Astronomy Tower at nine.”
“So late?”
“You said you’re available. Be there tonight or your free help will vanish. Now leave me alone, and I’ll see you later.” Hermione left him with a surprised, yet superior expression.
Before Draco could even respond, she had turned around and continued on homework. Draco walked away, completely stunned at what he had done and how Hermione actually accepted. The words of his mother’s favourite song he had heard constantly rang in his head.
Though I've tried, I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 11-22-2006 at 01:46 AM.
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