Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
So there's no confusion, I didn't wanna have Hermione as a prefect cause despite how the hookup is non-canon, I like staying on canon as possible, and I didn't know if 7th years were prefects or not (since Head Girls and head Boys usually become heads in 7th year, some 6th but still, didn't know).
So ya, Hermione isn't a prefect.
AND I couldn't think of a title, and I just read one of ginny's comments and used what she said -pokes chapter name-
That's all
Sarah Chapter 5
Hermione lead the group of students up to the portrait of the Fat Lady alongside the prefects. Even if she wasn’t a prefect herself, she still enjoyed leading a group of ignorant students to the Tower.
The Fat Lady opened the door leading to the Gryffindor common room, and Hermione, along with the 6th year prefects, Ginny and a boy Hermione herself didn’t know, milled into the room.
“Ok first years, the girls’ dormitory is on the stairs leading to the right! The boys’ dormitories are on the set of stairs to the left! You must be back here in the common room before 10pm or you’ll be in trouble, you go to sleep whenever you feel fit but don’t forget you must attend you classes, you get it. Now GO!” Ginny yelled
The first years ran away.
“Gin!” Hermione exclaimed in distain.
“What? I’ve always wanted to yell at first years, I never got the chance too before because someone else beat me to it last year... I’m not going to push them out of my way like Ronny-kins does.”
“Hey!” Ron said, cheeks ever so slightly red.
“Is Ickle-Ronny-Kins embarrassed?” Ginny asked in a mock baby voice. Ron’s cheeks reddened even more as he walked away and up the stairs leading to his dormitory. For the first time Hermione could remember, Ginny cackled evilly.
“What’s gotten into you lately?” Hermione asked, laughing slightly.
“What do you mean?” Ginny asked, her expression fading.
“Well... since Harry left, you know, you’ve kind of... been off.”
“Are you saying I can’t live without knowing Harry’s there?” Ginny asked, anger flaring.
“No, I’m just saying...”
“Because I can! I’m not needy, I don’t need some guy to always be by my side, pushing me through the bloody portrait hole!” Ginny yelled as she ran up to her dormitory. Hermione had no clue where the portrait hole came from, unless she was (for some reason) referring to Dean the year before.
Checking her watch, Hermione realized it was already eight in the evening. She went up to the dormitories and found her things in one of the rooms. Taking her pajamas out, she refolded them and placed them on the bed. She had no idea where Crookshanks and slunk off to, but as long as he was in the Tower, she was fine with it. She then took out a textbook and went back down the stairs to the common room. Sitting in front of the fire, she read about Grade 7 Transfiguration for at least an hour and a bit.
“I heard Crabbe and Goyle weren’t coming back this year,” Hermione heard Ron comment somewhere behind her.
“Yeah, I didn’t see them grabbing a whole chicken and slobbering it down in one bite,” Ginny responded.
“They weren’t on the train,” Hermione added.
“How do you know that?” Ron asked. He sounded closer, and then he was crouching on the ground beside the couch Hermione was sitting on.
“Well, Malfoy wandering the train corridors alone gave me an idea...”
“He’s done it before,” Ginny reminded her.
“Ok, when was the last time he walked out of the train alone just to push his way into a carriage with someone like me?”
“Crabbe and Goyle definitely aren’t back,” Ron said immediately, sounding pleased.
“So are you going to submit your name into the Goblet, Ron?” Hermione asked, changing the subject.
“What gives you that idea?” he asked.
“I know the story Ron, I was your owl for Harry in 4th year, unless you were fighting about which player on the Chudley Canons team is better or something stupid like that, it had to be over the fact he got into the Tournament.”
“Fine, I’m just not submitting my name tonight,” Ron snapped.
“Well if you don’t submit your name into the Goblet you’ll regret it,” Hermione said. “Not in the way that you’d think that you missed your chance, but you’d have me to deal with, and you know what I’m like when I’m mad.”
“Why would you be mad?” Ginny asked curiously.
“I had enough moaning and complaining about how ‘Harry cheated’ and ‘Harry got an older student to put his name in’, and ‘it’s not fair, he always the glory!’ It was tiring enough to hear Ron envious, always saying it should’ve been him.”
She turned and looked at Ron.
“If you submit your name now, you’ll have your chance; it might be you this time. And, if you don’t at least try, you’ll have me to deal with.”
With that, she went upstairs to her dorm, ready to go to bed.
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