Thread: Harry Potter: Dreams - Sa13+
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Old 11-11-2006, 09:20 PM   #9 (permalink)
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ok, been a bit but I was having difficulty thinking of an idea for the 6th chapter (I need to be ahead because well, if I'm not, this would be in the inactive F.F forum cause I'd be forgetting!).
Anyways, next chapter! Somewhat short (if I wanted to make it a bit better, I'd be having to re-write it and that'd take forever). And yeah, kinda short I guess.
Anyways... Enjoy

Chapter 4
The Scream

Harry told Hermione everything Seamus told him. She seemed slightly surprised, but not as much as he had been. When they got back to the Common Room after classes, he, Ron and Hermione talked about it.
“Well it doesn’t really surprise me,” Hermione stated bluntly.
“How can it not?” Ron replied, taken aback.
“She’s in my dorm, I got the impression something was different.”
“Are you saying you found out something you haven’t told us?” Harry asked. “Cause if so, I want to know.”
“She seemed distant, not caring if anyone was around. She’s more to herself than anything, if you ask me,” Hermione responded, shrugging. “So, did you have another dream last night?”
Harry rolled his eyes at the change of subject.
“Yeah,” he mumbled.
“What happened?”
“She was... crying.”
Hermione’s eyebrows rose.
“What about?”
“How should I know? I’m only watching through a window every time.”
Harry realized he hadn’t heard Ron say anything, so he looked behind him and couldn’t believe his eyes. He pinched himself to make sure it wasn’t a dream, but he was still there. Ron actually... doing his homework!
“Well then... do something about it. I dunno, knock on the window in your dream or something,” Hermione suggested.
“Hermione, it’s a dream. I can’t control what I do in them.”
She shrugged again and went upstairs to her dormitory.
“You agree, don’t you?” Harry asked Ron.
Rolling his eyes and chuckling, Harry went up to his dorm to drop off his things.

I walked down the dark and lonely hall once more, feeling my way down it. I made my way to the same ledge and pulled myself up to look through the window. As I peered over the ledge and into the window, I jumped and fell backwards. The girl was standing at the window, looking back at me. For a moment, I was too afraid to stand back up and look into the window to see her deep blue eyes staring back at me. Or was she staring past me?
“Wake up, Harry!”
Harry nearly crashed into Ron’s head as he quickly sat upright.
“You were talking and panting in your sleep.”
“Really?” Harry asked, slightly amazed. He hadn’t said anything in the dream. “What’d I say?”
“Well you were mumbling really, but I think everyone in the Tower clearly heard you scream.”
Taking deep breaths, Harry calmed down slightly. He wiped away the sweat on his face and swung his legs over the side of his bed to stand up.
“What time is it?” he asked Ron as he yawned.
“Four in the mornin’.”
Harry’s eyes widened. Waking everyone up so early wouldn’t be very good, but it did explain why he was still so tired. Remembering today was a class day, he slowly made his way to his bag and threw it on his bed. He then got dressed and took his bag and headed downstairs. When down there, he saw what seemed like half of Gryffindor House in the common room.
“Are you alright, Harry?”
Harry turned around and saw Hermione, who looked worried.
“Yeah, why do you ask?”
“Well you weren’t exactly subtle when you screamed,” Hermione responded a bit quieter.
“How is it that everything thinks it’s me when they hear a noise?” Harry snapped irritably.
“You can keep telling yourself you didn’t scream, Harry, but everyone knows you did,” Hermione sighed, leaving him. Eventually the whole house of Gryffindor filled the common room.
“What... what has happened?”
Everyone looked towards the portrait hole and saw Professor McGonagall standing at the entrance of the common room. They turned back to their friends and continued chatting.
The room was completely quiet.
“Why are you all up so early?”
The room was still silent.
A girl stepped up in front of everyone.
“Someone screamed.”
Harry recognized Dom’s voice.
“What... when?”
“Few minutes ago.”
“Do you know where?”
“In one of the boys’ dormitories.”
Professor McGonagall looked at the crowd of boys grouped at one end of the common room.
“Who?” she asked them.
Harry stood still, unsure if he’d get punished for having a dream. He felt a sharp push from behind him, and he stumbled forwards and in front of the group.
“You had something to do with this, Potter?”
Harry nodded slowly.
“Why did you have to wake everyone up at this hour?”
“I didn’t know I screamed really. Ron woke me because I was sleep-talking and apparently screamed,” Harry mumbled. “I couldn’t control it.”
McGonagall looked both irritated and in thought.
“Everyone else other than Potter, leave!” she snapped, making the rest of Gryffindor Tower disperse. The room was empty in moments, all except for Harry and Professor McGonagall.”
“You screamed in your sleep?”
“Did you have another dream by any chance?”
Harry nodded slowly.
“Same one over and over...”
McGonagall sighed.
“I think they’re visions, like last year,” Harry said, looking up at the professor. Her face darkened.
“What have you been seeing?”
“One of the girls in Gryffindor locked in a room...”
“The new girl?”
Harry nodded again.
“But... I think I’m beginning to understand it now,” Harry realized.
“What do you mean, Potter?”
“I mean... maybe she won’t be locked in a room looking like she’s given up on all life physically...”

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