Yeah, if that part was.... confuzzling, Bellatrix is DEFINITELY DEAD!
Yeah, I would've posted like, 3 hours earlier but I was too lazy to get up from the reclining/rocking chair thingy a few feet away from my computer so yeah... and T.V being there didn't help.
I'll post now, so here ya go!

This is a kinda short chapter, so that means I MIGHT post the next one today (I just noticed how close it is to the end...

But yeah, most likely will post in a bit)
Chapter 18
“Why am I here?” Draco snapped. Harry practically had to drag Malfoy into Number 12 Grimmauld Place.
“You live here, incidentally,” Harry responded with a bitter edge. He dragged Malfoy into the kitchen, where Hermione was waiting. Draco’s expression turned into a look of disgust when he saw her.
“What’s the mudblood doing here?” he asked bluntly. Hermione looked confused yet insulted.
“Hey Malfoy, there’s a bed upstairs with your things on it, why don’t you go up there for a good night’s sleep?” Harry offered.
Malfoy pulled away from Harry and walked away. He slammed the kitchen door behind him.
“What the hell did you do to him?” Hermione practically exclaimed. Harry looked completely taken off guard.
“Wha... me? Why would I do something like that to him and drag him all the way back here?” he shot back at her.
“Then why’s he the way he is right now?”
“He was captive of the Death Eaters, Three got away, but one of them must’ve put him under the Imperius Curse.”
Hermione’s expression turned into a disgust similar to Malfoy’s earlier and she shook her head slowly.
“I had a suggestion for you,” Harry cut her sentence off, knowing what she was about to say.
“What?” she practically snapped.
“Have you read The Daily Prophet recently?”
Hermione scowled.
“Well since you did apparently, you’d know they’ve found an anti-potion for the Imperius Curse,” Harry said. “But it’s really expensive...”
“How expensive?”
“About two thousand Galleons.”
Hermione’s mouth dropped as she gasped.
“What?” she nearly screamed.
“Well I know you have the money...”
“It’s money for the wedding, Harry!”
“Well you’re not going to have a wedding unless you fix Malfoy.” With that, Harry walked away. Hermione fell into her chair, crying softly.