Remember kids, Ottery's ficlets are part of a well balanced breakfast ... Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 48. Leprechaun “I know you’re after me lucky charms,” the leprechaun said laughing, running off with Ottery’s cauldron.
“Hey bring that back I need it for class,” he screamed. He could already hear Professor Snape giving him detention.
Hermione pushed Ron and Harry against the wall as the dark haired boy ran past chasing the leprechaun.
Harry looked at Ron, who looked at Hermione who looked at them both.
Harry, “He really gets into the oddest scrapes.”
Hermione, “Why is Ottery after his lucky charms?”
Ron, “This is just weird.” He shrugged, “I better go save him …”
Hermione, “You mean we.”
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