“It’s the end of the world, as we know it and I feel fine…” Or Mars Attacks!A Harry Potter & the gang vs. the aliens adventure
By Ottery St. Catchpole
In which Ottery falls madly in love…Ron’s just cute…Harry *sighs* is trying to save the world AGAIN…Teddy tries to take it over…Hermione knows it all…Seamus & Dean are at it again…and I introduce an umpteen number of new characters even more subplots and a lot of chaos, crossing my fingers and praying that this whole mess makes sense to someone, soon, secretly not caring if it does. Simply put, this is So NOT a sequel to Love’s. AGAIN!
Since the last time, this fic was deleted, not by me, and not by choice.
*Fires the cannons* Respectfully dedicated to the Wells, no relation. H.G. who’s rolling in his grave, and Orson, who started the panic back in 1929. Go Orson, you were a rebel! Prologue: The sky is falling…you just don’t know it yet.
Once upon a time…in Harry’s fourth year…the world as we know it came to an end…but I’m getting ahead of myself, lets start at the beginning of the term, or a bit earlier, even. Like JKR always does, maybe we should begin with our hero in the midst of summer. *Turns back the pages of the book*
Chapter One: Enter the Hero, yo! Ciudad de Mexico
Que demonios! Ustedes no son los plomeros?” The man in the suit exclaimed angrily, his hand going under his coat.
Mie-” The little teddy bear in the blue jump suit exclaimed, quickly throwing his plunger at the
“Teddy!” The fifteen-year-old boy exclaimed cutting him off from saying something obscene. The Mexican boy was given to a finer nature and softer demeanors, his teddy bear however was not, which made them the oddest couple. More often than not it led to incessant bickering, and not a few assassination attempts; at the moment though they were working together for a common goal. Saving the world, though exactly for what purpose they were both divided on. At the moment though, the world needed saving, and badly.
The plunger hit the man square in the face, buying the boys some time. As the thug swung his arms wildly around Ottery pocketed the computer disk and ran for the door, Teddy stopped to kick the thug in the shins.
“Teddy do you know what this means…I mean…Teddy. Teddy?” Ottery looked around and noticed that his knee high companion was missing. He turned to look and found him kicking the thug. Ottery sighed, rolled his eyes and ran back to get him. “C’mon you pint sized menace, we need to tell the world about this?”
AN: Ah, it's good to be back ...
Yes kids, Mars Attacks Returns!