Feathery Thingywhatsit | BookSnake 42. Potraits Annoying, pointless jabber flooded Bella’s ears. The portraits in this hall were unusually loud today.
“Going anywhere special, dearie?” asked an old witch. Bella glared at her, but the witch continued on.
“Planning on a secret date with some adorable boy? I remember in my third year…I met a boy named Agustus, and he was the cutest, sweetest thing imaginable…”
“He couldn’t have been sweeter than my Robert!” complained another witch with hundreds of wrinkles. “He had the nicest face, the best smile…”
The two portraits continued to argue back and forth endlessly. Grumbling, Bella slipped down a side hall.
Last edited by Egyptian_Blue; 01-28-2010 at 10:31 PM.