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Old 11-09-2006, 08:23 PM   #25 (permalink)
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LMAO, he said "I" instead of Harry or he, way to stay in character while out of character Dan.*chuckles*

I personally think there's a good chance he'll die, but then again there is also a good chance that he will live. Right now I'm kind of in between the two as you can see. XD But I do see the dark humor in the theory of each killing the other at the same time or the other dying because the other of the other has died, it would certainly be one heck of a way to end the series with a silent bang, if ya know what I mean hehe. And... I'll shu'up now.

But I'll just be happy either way if she doesn't kill one of my very favorite characters, Snape. (which she probably will) *HIDES*

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