Thread: Harry Potter: Dreams - Sa13+
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Old 11-09-2006, 02:43 AM   #6 (permalink)
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sry I haven't updated in awhile, just didn't see this going anywhere for awhile really, so yeah...
I've got about 4 chapters done (kinda put off the end of the 4th, but yeah), so I may as well update now...
I wrote this awhile back, so yeah, I don't have the time to edit it now, so it's kinda eh...

Chapter 3
Seamus’ Story

Harry saw Dominique joining the first years in front of the Entrance Hall. Professor McGonagall led her away though, to his slight surprise.
He entered the Great Hall with his friends and took seats at the Gryffindor table, and he waited. The doors opened many minutes later, and everyone turned their attention to the large double doors. A large group of small first years walked in, and Dominique trailed behind them. She followed them up through the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables. Harry watched her, and she got closer. She stopped, turned to her right and sat down in an open spot at the Gryffindor table, joining Parvati, Lavender and the other girls around them.
Harry let out the breath he held in. Ron sighed irritably.
“What?” Harry asked, turning his attention back to his friend.
“Wish this would go faster, it took long enough to get the midgets into the Hall, let alone get Sorted and for Dumbledore to make his boring, old speech,” Ron complained. “At this rate, we won’t be eating until midnight!”
“So shush, Ronald. There’s more to life than just food,” Hermione snapped, eyes on the first years that were getting sorted.
“Balton, Jenna.”
“Banalt, Matthew.”
Half of the first years went to either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, but the cycle was finally broken.
“Mansely, Kalli.”
“Mercer, Sarah.”
“Metzger, Dylan.”
“Boy, many of you this year...” the Sorting Hat commented. “Gryffindor!”
The list of students went on, and all easily got to their houses. Dumbledore made his speech, which was much shorter than lat year’s, and dinner was served. Everyone happily dug into the feast.

It was nearly impossible to navigate the corridors, they were even darker. I felt my way down the hall until I ran into a wall. Feeling around it, I found a ledge. Pulling myself up on it, I looked into the window. Inside was the girl, and she was... crying? I squinted to see if I could get a better look, and she was for sure crying. What was she crying about?
Harry bolted upright with a start, sweat covering his face. He saw Neville, Seamus, Dean and Ron circled around his bed.
“Had that dream again?” Ron asked.
“Different this time, but yeah...”
“What dream?” Neville asked curiously.
“He kinda... how does it go again?” Ron said.
“I’m walking down a dark hallway and I come up to a window,” Harry answered. “And when I look inside, there’s a girl. Trapped inside, looking like she’s given up on all life.”
“Well it’s just a dream, right?” Seamus stated slowly.
“I’ve been having the same dream for the past three weeks. The thing is, it’s just... confusing.”
“What’s so confusing about it?” Neville asked.
“The girl I see... she’s here, in Hogwarts.”
“Who is it?” Seamus and Dean asked at the same time, equally curious.
“That new girl in our year...”
“Dom,” Ron finished.
“Oh, her...” Seamus said mysteriously, a somewhat mischievous grin forming on his face.
“What about her?” Harry asked as he wiped away the sweat on his forehead.
“Her parents are the direct relatives to Godric Gryffindor,” Seamus said as if it was obvious. “Didn’t you know that?”
“No. It’s not like I read Witch Weekly when I was five,” Harry snapped.
“Well I didn’t either, yet I know,” Seamus retorted.
“So, direct descendants, eh?” Neville asked cheerfully, not wanting to get stuck in the middle of a fight on their first official day at school.
“Yeah, but apparently something was wrong with the both of them,” Seamus continued, happy to have the attention of everyone. “They weren’t brave, courageous, everything you’d expect from true Gryffindors. They were cunning, ambitious... dark and evil par say. Instead of being in Gryffindor, they were put into Slytherin House because of it. So when Dom came around, they were anything but parents, treating her like dirt, like she was a toy to rip up and do whatever with. Mistreated all her life, sunken low into some sort of depression most likely, not like I know that part exactly though.”
“How do you all this?” Dean asked his best friend.
“Stories, articles, anything you can read really,” Seamus answered, shrugging.
Harry raised an eyebrow. Everything Seamus said didn’t help him at all.
“And how’s that all supposed to be helpful?”
“Never said it would be, I was just answering a question.”
With that, Seamus grabbed his school supplies and left the dorm. The others followed suit, leaving Harry and Ron last to leave for classes.

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