Thread: Harry Potter: Fallen - Sa13+
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Old 11-07-2006, 12:47 AM   #5 (permalink)
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This chapter is in Hermione's POV by the way (you can probably tell tho, of course )

Chapter 2
Hermione’s Trip

“Oi, Hermione, where’ve you been this summer?” Ron practically gawked when he saw his friend on Platform 9¾.
“France,” she responded. “That’s why I couldn’t go to the Headquarters this year, parents made plans before I could object.”
Ron seemed speechless, following a tanned Hermione onto the train. They found a compartment with Neville and Ginny, who had gotten on long before her brother. It seemed so odd that Harry wasn’t there.
“So Harry wasn’t joking then,” Ginny said quietly as Hermione and Ron came in.
“Harry? Joke about something like skipping school? I don't think so Gin,” Ron responded. Hermione elbowed him sharply as she sat down.
“So where’ve you been all summer? Under the sun in who-knows-where?” Ginny asked with a smirk.
“I was France the whole summer. I at least got to learn French first-hand; I always wanted to learn...”
“You learn French from the boys at the beach?” Ginny cracked as she looked over Hermione’s tan.
“A little actually,” Hermione responded, taking away the joke from Ginny’s comment. It was true though, she did spend a fair amount of time on the beach in Cherbourg, a town right on the waters of the English Channel.
“So you were there all summer?” Ginny asked. Hermione nodded.
“Did you stay at the Headquarters all summer?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, really fun to spend your whole summer cleaning a never-ending layer of grime.”
“I can only imagine,” Hermione responded sarcastically.
The train lurched forwards, and just as it did, Luna Lovegood opened the compartment door.
“Hey, Luna!” Ginny said with a smile.
“Hi,” she responded in her normal, daydreamy voice.
“How was your summer?”
“Fine,” Luna responded as she opened her edition of The Quibbler, upside-down, and put on glasses that came from the magazine. Ron raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment since he didn’t want another elbow in the stomach.
“So Neville, did anything happen during your summer?” Hermione asked.
“Not really, just took a few trips for shopping for new robes and school supplies and that’s it,” he responded, shrugging.
“Ever replace your Remembral?” Ron asked. He got a sharp kick in the thigh.
“No, Gran says I’m hopeless since I keep loosing ‘em,” Neville replied. “Replaced at least three already.”
“Well... three in six years isn’t that bad...” Hermione commented, trying to sound positive.
The four of them chatted for a few minutes, Luna commenting occasionally, and they all heard the trolley.
“Well I never got anything for breakfast other than half a piece of toast, so does anyone want something?” Hermione asked as she got up.
“Not really,” Ginny and Neville responded at the same time. Hermione looked at Ron.
“Two chocolate frogs, please,” he mumbled. Chuckling Hermione stepped out of the compartment.
“Would you like anything, dearie?” the woman pushing the trolley asked. Before Hermione could respond, she saw a familiar head coming towards her. She couldn’t believe it, how could Malfoy return after such a big incident he had caused himself the year before?
The woman pushing the trolley seemed to notice, and she turned around, ands still on the trolley.
“Would you like anything?” she asked stiffly. Hermione resisted the urge to giggle.
“Uh... a chocolate frog and a pumpkin pastry.”
“I’ll have two chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pastries,” Hermione stated.
Malfoy looked up and just seemed to notice her. He looked at her in a peculiar way momentarily.
“Actually, I’ll have three chocolate frogs, three pumpkin pastries and a cauldron cake,” he countered, just as challengingly.
“Four chocolate frogs, five pumpkin pastries and three cauldron cakes,” Hermione shot at him.
“Five chocolate frogs, eight pumpkin pastries, four cauldron cakes and a treacle tart,” Draco changed his response.
“Six chocolate frogs, nine pumpkin pastries, five cauldron cakes, three treacle tarts and a licorice wand,” Hermione countered Draco’s contradiction.
“Eight chocolate frogs, twelve pumpkin pastries, nine cauldron cakes, six treacle tarts, three licorice wands and two peppermint toad.”
“We don’t even have enough of those on here for your debate! Now what do you two want?” the trolley woman exclaimed.
“Two chocolate frogs please,” Hermione stated.
“I’ll have three.”
“Actually I’ll...”
“Two chocolate frogs it is!” the woman cut her off as she handed the chocolate frogs to Hermione, and then took her money.
“Three chocolate frogs,” Draco said flatly.
The woman on the trolley dropped three tins of them into Draco’s hand, and he gave her his money. Before Hermione could buy two more, the trolley was pushed away.
“So you actually returned, eh?” Hermione asked in a dark way.
“You of all people should understand what people will do just to finish their education,” Draco responded coolly.
“I’m not in as much danger as you will be, Malfoy,” she shot back at him threateningly. She turned and opened the compartment door beside her, out of his sight before he could respond. She couldn’t believe it, back outside, she had just realized how much Malfoy had changed, despite circumstances, she couldn’t help but wonder if her judgment on Malfoy was starting to sway. She was beginning to wonder if she was starting to... like him.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 11-13-2006 at 09:17 AM.
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